Art, AI and Future. Now. — Issue #2

MerzLetter — Things you missed on Twitter (Experiment, please tell me if something doesn’t work)



What a week!

Ah, it’s me btw. Merzmensch the artist.

German Design and Marketing magazine W&V published an article about my explorations of creative AI

We explored the art in the art in the art — by letting AI create its galleries. We provided only the canvases. AI filled them with life. Cool thing was — many other people took part on this experiment — in this article you will find their inspiring results!

For German readers here is my Übersetzung:

I’m experimenting with Stable Diffusion as well, especially with video part. As visuals I am, to be honest, still not so convinced — it seems not really to hear for prompts. But visuals are interesting!

DALL-E has now an amazing and powerful outpainting function — and my 6-year-old son was the first to try it out (there were too many things going on, so I’ll write an article about it).

Another outpainting:

But not only outpainting is great, you also have access to all — ALL! — images you’ve ever created with DALL-E.

Fictional AI realities

Artificial Intelligence let you create new worlds and new stories.

New locations:

New persons:

New dreams:

Also in motion:

Or just homages to great cinematographists:


Artists have issue with AI, but not because they of getting “plagiarised”. Rather because of getting vanished among their name’s mentioning in the prompts

MicroStories: MicroMERZ

Hoarding in Versailles

And this is how “Compulsive Knolling” look like.


That’s it, I’d say! Follow me (if still not) and see you soon!

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Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.