Behind that mysterious postcard.

Series “Inspiring Voyeurism”

Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2018


As already mentioned, the first postcard I’ve found in the old bookshop deeply moved me.

So it was here now. In front of me. On my desk. Silently. Which secrets do you veil?

And again, with a written remark backside:

Zur Erinnerung an die Obstbaumblute in Morgenfrische.
Dein Vater

In remembrance of blooming fruit trees in the cool morning air.
Your father

Something was wrong here. It wasn’t “Morgenfrische” (“cool morning air”). It was something else, written in the Sütterlin-Handwriting. It was rather…


A friend of mine, who was good in Sütterlin, confirmed this reading, even if we hadn’t a clue, what is it. Or… where? It would sound more reasonable in this way:

In remembrance of blooming fruit trees in Monzewtsche.
Your father

So, my research begun.

I could only find the one mention of Monzewtsche or Monzewitsche in the Private Archive of Richard Loewy, being collected and presented by the Jewish Museum Hohenems. You can find the postcard over there (I won’t repost…




Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.