Digitale Bildkulturen — an event in Berlin



Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis. Times are changed; we, too, are changed within them. Our human perception, our habits our understanding of semantics and semiotics — everything is in an continuous eternal change.

German art historians and media scientists Wolfgang Ullrich and Annekathrin Kohout explore global aesthetic questions in their book series “Digitale Bildkulturen” (Digital Picture Cultures), published by Wagenbach Verlag. For this, they invited since 2019 writers, scientists, publicists, and researchers to create a book on a specific topic. The main aim of the book series is to sketch an aesthetic landscape of the present — illuminating hitherto little-explored phenomena, such as crypto-art, TikTok videos, or emojis. These visual fields are directly impacting our societies, and bringing paradigmatic cultural change.

In 2023 the book series reached 20 volumes (amongst of them also my Book about AI-Art, which will be published in September 2023).

Here are all 20 volumes (actually, 21):

Selfies, von Wolfgang Ullrich, 2019
Netzfeminismus (Net feminism), von Annekathrin Kohout, 2019
Bildproteste (Image protests), von Kerstin Schankweiler, 2019
Screenshots, von Paul Frosh, 2019
Modebilder (Fashion images), von Diana Weis, 2020
Hassbilder (Hate images), von Daniel Hornuff, 2020
GIFs, von Tilman Baumgärtel, 2020
Meme, von Dirk von Gehlen, 2020
Gesichtserkennung (Face recognition), von Roland Meyer, 2021
Body-Bilder (Body images), von Jörg Scheller, 2021
Krypto-Kunst (Crypto art), von Kolja Reichert, 2021
Emojis, von Gala Rebane, 2021
Copyright, von Thomas Dreier, 2022
Videospiele (Video games), von Jacob Birken, 2022
Überwachungsbilder, von Thomas Hermann, 2022
Bildzensur, von Katja Müller-Helle, 2022
Binge Watching, von Maren Lickhardt, 2023
Filter, von Berit Glanz, 2023
KI-Kunst, von Merzmensch, 2023
TikTok, von Isabell Otto, 2023
Metabilder, von Estelle Blaschke, 2023

To celebrate 20 volumes, the publishers together with authors (including me) will meet with an audience at the Volksbühne Berlin on 13th of September 2023:

Here comes the German invite (English program here)

Die Reihe, die den Blick auf die Ästhetik des Internets verändert hatVolksbühne Berlin - Roter Salon 
Linienstraße 227
10178 Berlin
Mittwoch, 13. September, 20:00 UhrMit den Herausgebern der Buchreihe Annekathrin Kohout und Wolfgang Ullrichsowie den Autorinnen und Autoren Vladimir Alexeev (Merzmensch),
Tilman Baumgärtel, Jacob Birken, Thomas Dreier, Thomas Hermann,
Maren Lickhardt, Roland Meyer, Katja Müller-Helle und Diana Weis.

I’ll report back next week — and if you can make it, maybe I’ll see you in Berlin?




Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.