Etherpoems 2: Spoken Word
Next Generation of Digital Poetry
Human creativity can neither stand still nor rest. Blockchain-based poetry project by Artchick “EtherPoems” was published last month and made June 2021 to a celebration of new ways for storytelling, new poetic approaches (I wrote about this project already). And now — the next step:
EtherPoems 2: Spoken Word (poetry in motion)
This is not just a new issue of the project. It is even not a project anymore:
EtherPoems became a literary platform for international poets and artists.
Readers can read and watch poetic video installments. Collectors can collect the NFT-based pieces and support poets. The extraordinary — highly democratic — approach is: all incomes from all collected poems are split among all poets, who took part on EtherPoems2: feast of creative individuality, but with support of the entire collective.
And again, are all poems — as texts — written directly into Blockchain. It became the digital DNA of the chain: