How to Train Your Artist.

Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2019


Test your art history knowledge: name the artist of this masterpiece!

It’s Art Quiz time, everybody! (Prize including)

Look at the painting above and tell me following:

Who is the artist?
When was this painting created?
Where, in which museum you will find this artwork?

Is it probably Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778) with his post-Apocalyptic idyll around vestiges of once powerful Kingdoms, now in ruins?

Remains of a covered portico, or a cryptoportiucus, in a villa of Domitian, five miles outside Rome on the Frascati road, from Vedute di Roma. By: Piranesi, around 1766 (Source).

Or is it rather Max Ernst (1891–1976) with his surrealist landscapes, like his “Landschaft mit gummilack et chimères”?

Max Ernst: “Landschaft mit gummilack et chimères” (Source)

Or is it rather Jean-Baptiste Lallemand (1716–1803) with his Pironesi’esque Pastourelles in wasted Arcadia?

Jean-Baptiste Lallemand, Couple et enfant aux pieds des ruines (XVIIIth century) (Source)

Once, again: let’s compare it.




Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.