Hula’a (New Art Movement)

Series: “New Art Movements created by #AI”

Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2020


Photo: Merzmensch


Pushing the envelope of Neural Language Processing model GPT-3 by OpenAI I explore its capability to interpret art — and to create. One might say, “GPT-3” is still far away from AGI. One might say, it’s “competence without comprehension”. But during my experiments, I was already convinced about the creative power of GPT-3 — mixed with human perception.

In my texts, I always mark AI-generated contents as such. But I also like to play with them. If you get a text, without to know, whether it was written by human or machine — what will you do. Will you like it? Will you dislike it?

Imagine such a situation: you like this text. And suddenly somebody reveals it was written by AI. Will you be disappointed? Will you feel yourself being fooled around? Or will you rather remain being fascinated, inspired, thinking about the contents?

In my case, I’m every time astonished by machine imagination (many people will probably freak out, thinking that imagination and creativity is a holy human terrain, which may not be crossed by coded aliens). But our human role in the world is not that significant, or better: every role is significant.

Art Movements




Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.