Letters from Nature to Presidents

Written by Artificial Intelligence

Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2020


Screencap from Art project Letters from Nature.

They don’t listen to Nature. They don’t listen to people. The men of power are occupied with their politics, without any reflection or perspective view. But nature is changing. Caps are melting. Islands are vanishing. They don’t have a voice enough to screen.

Yet they have the right to exist.

Who or what can help? Artificial intelligence. Because we, people, are probably forlorn in our self-admiration, or angst for repressions if being uncomfortable towards men of power.

In a wonderful project “Letters from Nature”, two artists Jeroen van der Most and Peter van der Putten used the power of GPT-3 to raise awareness in a new way.

Artificial Intelligence wrote letters on behalf of Ice Caps, Micronesian Islands, Hawaiian Coral Reefs etc. and addressed it to Putin, Trump, and other people in power, who can, but not really want to.

On the project page you will find the full texts of letters, including the Prompt and the rest, written by AI:

A powerful gesture! We need more of such.




Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.