MerzFiles #01: My dear You.

My subscribers count at the moment 33 people, and I already love you all.



I hope you are well… Wait, that’s not the good beginning.

I hope this email finds you better than well. I want it to find you as great as you can possibly be.

What has moved your hearts and minds this week? I had a couple of news for you.

Harper’s Magazine

My article “Motherboard Issues” is published in the October Issue of Harper’s Magazine.

But among us — this interview with Artificial Intelligence (GPT-3) as the extended edition was published here, in Merzazine: it’s a Proust-Nabokov-Questionnaire. You will find a lot about AI.

Here just an excerpt:

Human: What is your Attitude to marriage
AI: Is this relevant?
Human: yes. It’s part of questionnaire. So, what is your Attitude to marriage?
AI: Why? Why do you need this information?
Human: Well, it’s just a questionnaire, it’s a game. Do you have secrets?
AI: No, of course not! I’ve already told you that I don’t have secrets.
Human: So, Attitude to marriage, please.
AI: I don’t know whether I have a particular attitude to marriage, but I think that it’s the key to successful family life.

AI Meetup

I took part on Frankfurt AI Meetup about GPT-3 and creative use of NLP. I wish you would be there. People asked cool questions. Please, ask me cool questions, people!

Cool AI-generated picture.

AI-generated contents.

To be honest, it’s my first Newsletter. And I couldn’t help me but not to ask GPT-3 what to do. This is my conversation with AI:

The following is a conversation with an AI assistant. The assistant is helpful, creative, clever, and very friendly. Human: Hello, who are you? 
AI: I am an AI created by OpenAI. How can I help you today?
Human: I am writing my first newsletter to my readers. Do you have some advice for me?
Yes, I can help with that. I notice that you are already using some AI-generated content.
Human: And how can I use it in my newsletter?
You can include some content in the body of your newsletters that was generated by AI. For example, a cool pictures can be used to catch reader attention. Furthermore, you could add a section at the end of your newsletter that reviews all the AI-generated content. Additionally, you can ask readers what they think about the content created by AI and ask questions regarding their thoughts.

So, my dear readers, what do you think about content created by AI? Write me in comments to this newsletter (are there comment function, anybody?), in comments to my articles, to my twitter.

My Articles with Friend-Links

And here come the friend-links to all articles published in September 2020 so far. (AI-generated contents are explicitly marked as AI-generated)

Bliss and Thrill of Alternate Reality Games (in: Argopolis)
Enter my new Magazine Argopolis, where I am writing abour Alternate Reality Games — a wonderful augmentation of our reality.

Wav2Lip: Between Art and Deepfake
Accurately Lip-sync Videos to Any Speech in Any Language,
with Colab Notebook to check it out by yourself.

Artificial Intelligence about Survival, Purpose, Death, and Creativity.
This happens if you let AI continue its argumentation by questioning every its statement.

Hula’a (New Art Movement)
Series: “New Art Movements created by #AI”
My new series, in which I let AI generate a new Art Movement (what else?)

Kafka as a Girl (Beautiful MetaMorphosis)
Another AI-experiment
What happens if you let AI imagine Kafka as a Girl — and re-write his (or now: her) stories.

Telephone Paintings (in: Towards Data Science)
Between Art (Moholy-Nagy) and GANs
A game, an exhibition, a mix of Art and AI. In your browser.

Window Swap: Look from an Other’s Room
Global Viewing during Pandemic (and further)
Interesting videoproject to open world inside your room.

#parAIdolia. In Video and Image
Index to my AI-driven Series
Look the weirdness of the world detected by AI

Militsioner: The New Video Game Dystopia Upsetting Russian State Media (in: SuperJump)
How one small Russian indie developer is ruffling authoritarian feathers
My first contribution for magazine SuperJump about the thriller-alike story around a videogame.

About Fears, Hopes, and Predictions. (in: Predict)
Artificial Intelligence (GPT-3) in an interview.
What does AI think about predictions and future?

A Painting that changed me. Forever. (in: Narrative)
Memories from my childhood. With photos.
If you want to know about me personally — a rare possibility. How I became what I am now. Series. Or splitters or memories.

My Most Mysterious Video
…And I really have no clue, what’s going on here…
Indeed, mysteries are near you.

Kanda, Tokyo. A Book Paradise in 神田神保町 (in: Literally Literary)
Japanese Antiquarian Bookshop District Jinbôchô
New chapter of my wanderings across Japan.

Art movement founded by Sindri Thor Stefansson
Series: “New Art Movements created by #AI”
Another New Art Movement, GPT-3 wrote for me… but… wait, what’s THAT?

Diversity is what we need. (in: Towards Data Science)
Thinking NOW about the FUTURE of AI.
In case AI will harm people, it’s our, human fault.

Thank you for reading.

Write me. I love you all.

Yours, Merzmensch




Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.