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One thing is true: There are too many newsletters. So don’t fill your mailbox with another one.

Don’t subscribe MerzFiles, and the following will be spared you:

  • Exclusive Experiments with GPT-3 in various areas: the meaning of life, new art forms, abstract and weird contents
  • Exclusive Experiments with other AI-driven models
  • All articles on Art, Science, AI, Society, Videogames and more
  • All Articles on Merzazine with Friend-Links (it means: in case you have a basic Medium account, you will spare your “3 articles per month” for other writers)
  • Exclusive ideas and thoughts, not written in Merzazine (yet): possibility to follow the development of conceptions
  • Hidden Tweets and hidden gems I found in the WWWasteland
  • another hidden items like interaction with AI for you
  • etc.

Just don’t click on this link below, which could bring you to the Newsletter MerzFiles.




Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.