The Stage of the Dream.

“Fugue in Void” by Moshe Linke

Published in
5 min readDec 29, 2018


Nobody knows how dreams begin. You remember the narrative of the melting sub-reality. You are also aware of what happened shortly before waking up.

But how you were catapulted into the dream is hard to remember.

The same applies to the visions of Moshe Linke, a game developer from Hamburg. Game?.. More than that: audiovisual experiences, border crossings between the solid reality of digital matter and the fragile transience of our world.

The visions are architecturally shaped — with a tendency towards brutalism. Huge buildings as if cast out of concrete, plays of light and shadow in empty chambers. And yet sudden surprises, completely new perspectives. Best enjoyable with headphones — immersion with all the senses. No zombies, no monsters, no save points: the visitor has to take his time and live through this world at once.

Not permadeth, but permalife.

And then you inevitably return again and again. You just have to. You cannot resist.




Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.