Weather rebooted.

Part 2: eaibohportsualC rehtO dna rehtaeW ehT. From: “Inspiring Voyeurism”

Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2020


Secrets. Every text enwombs ones (at least). Every context is mysterious in its own way. Like that boring, unrepresentative postcard, full of weather reports that we talked about earlier. Just try to change the focus, and you will be literally blown away by the message that reveals itself here.

Let’s look at this picture again, considering some backgrounds and the gray&white heavy clouds. Sailing ships, boats. Spinning at a barrier lake. Without exit. Only a few brooks. In the 1960s. Somewhere in the middle of the GDR.

And what about the text?

It now narrates about more than just a weather situation. Because … but you better read it yourself. Again. With new knowledge.

Dear Hermann and Inge!
We’ve arrived safetly and
settled down with each other pretty well.
Strong wind and partially rain
make impossible any attempt
for going away longer.
We were in a…




Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.