How to add CRUD operations to your React Native app using React Hooks and Redux

Moses Esan
Mesan Digital
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2019


Add CRUD (Create, Read, Update and delete) operations to your React Native app.

View project on Github



For this tutorial, a Quotes app will be created, this app will have CRUD operations, allowing the user to add, view, update and delete quotes.

FOLLOW Step 1 to 3 in Tutorial 1c (Don’t create the instructions.json file, create a sample.json file instead)

Step 4: Create Sample Data

You can either create a local json file with your sample data or use the Axios package to make an api request to to access the data.

If you choose the local method, update sample.json.

Step 5: Create the Actions

This action is the CREATE operation, the new quote is passed to the addQuote

