MeshBox Weekly Update (2018.8.13–2018.8.19)

Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2018

Hello Everyone! Welcome to the latest edition of the MeshBox Weekly Update.

Unlike most “conceptual” blockchain projects, MeshBox is grounded in reality because it is a tangible hardware device that deploys blockchain nodes in geographical locations that can exist anywhere. MeshBox can also be configured through its own app to customize its settings to suit its particular deployment environment. This makes MeshBox stand out from other so many other homogeneous “blockchain projects” that tend to reinvent the wheel.

Let’s check out the latest developments in the MeshBox Project:

Technical Developments

Last week, an important task for the technical team was to complete the data transfer strength experiment on multi-hop networks, which was done in preparation for the MeshBox test environment. MeshBox will host blockchain nodes within Mesh networks in the future, so it is very important to analyze the this aspect of the network.

The team also debugged the MeshBox motherboard to better adapt it to future high-intensity computing. The work is drawing to a close and the commissioning is about to be completed.

The technical team has also deployed a more secure WebSocket server for MeshBox to support the Smart Device Management Platform. WebSocket has the advantages of saving bandwidth, leaving none wasted and working in real-time. After using WebSocket technology, when the server has new data, it will actively notify the browser. As far as MeshBox is concerned, any time the server is updated with a new program, WebSocket ensures that MeshBox is notified, thereby ensuring that the widely distributed MeshBox versions are synchronized and run steadily.

On the other hand, considering the long-term development of blockchain-based Mesh networks in the future, the technical team upgraded MeshBox’s solid-state hard disk from 120G to 256G. These memory upgrades allow MeshBox to have more storage space, and it will still be able to synchronize node data steadily after several years of use.

Market Action

Community maintenance is important and lately the marketing team has spent time illustrating what the future holds in store when meshbox is deployed throughout the globe laying down an agile framework for blockchain-based digital network economies.

The team also contacted digital hardware reviewers and invited them to read and write detailed articles about MeshBox. Last week, the MeshBox Hardware review was published globally, with particular strength in the Singapore and China markets.

The team still continues to leverage all means possible in publicizing the MeshBox project. Social Media, events, publications and much more will continue to be pushed on a regular basis.

That’s all for this week’s edition of the MeshBox Weekly Update, please stay tuned next week to keep up on all the latest highlights and updates from this groundbreaking project.

* All times mentioned in the article are Singapore time.



Editor for

MeshBox is a central node providing efficient routing, storage and data streaming, to mesh networks where smart phones and IoT devices are the common nodes.