The Multi-faceted MeshBox Router

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3 min readApr 9, 2018

MeshBox’s multiple mining capabilities make it a valuable asset allowing owners to become crypto-entrepreneurs.

Recently, the SmartMesh ( project which features a protocol allowing internet-free connectivity through smart phones and devices via P2P and P2P multi-hop mesh connections has caught the attention of the public eye. This has resulted in quite a lot of buzz about the MeshBox ( which figures as a primary node in the SmartMesh Ecosystem. Today, we can focus on the MeshBox and discuss its disruptive and decentralized approach to distributed networks, IoT and AI.

The advent of MeshBox ensures early success, stable growth and 21st Century sophistication for distributed Mesh network ecosystems based on the SmartMesh Protocol. This is because MeshBox adds storage, streaming and routing functionality to already existing ad-hoc connections meanwhile earning rewards in cryptocurrencies like SMT and MESH in return for the services it provides.

Mesh network establishment requires a sufficient amount of nodes to operate continuously for extended periods of time. While SmartMesh nodes can be incentivized to share their bandwidth in multi-hop operations, when a MeshBox is present this is not required as the MeshBox itself can provide long-distance routing and likewise earn rewards. Either way, both standard SmartMesh protocol based nodes and MeshBoxes have incentives to gain rewards within the SmartMesh ecosystem.

MeshBox owners will earn SmartMesh Spectrum SMT Token rewards when the MeshBox functions as a routing forwarding node on the Mesh network or as an offline training node for Mobile Raiden Photon functionality. In addition to being able to earn SMT, MeshBox owners can also earn MESH Tokens in proportion to the amount of hard disk space and cached data resources MeshBox contributes to the Mesh network. In a nutshell, when user nodes want to access space or content on the MeshBox via upload, download or streaming, they will pay a proportionate fee in MESH to do so.

SMT and MESH are both utility coins that correspond to the SmartMesh and MeshBox protocols respectively, but as these technologies become more widely distributed, the coins will also gain value and attractiveness as widely used fungibles and can be freely traded across the world market. As this transpires, early adopters of MeshBox will be rewarded for their investment.

Using MeshBox to support nodes in Mesh networks requires almost zero overhead, but SMT and MESH Tokens can be accumulated every day and their values can also grow exponentially as well. Later on down the line, other protocols and coins released on the Spectrum chain will be able to integrate with MeshBox and because of its lightweight agility and autonomy, it will see a widespread distribution throughout all areas of the world from industrialized and developed cities to remote areas such as islands, jungles and mountainous regions.

The vast majority of MeshBoxes, however, will be likely destined to serve in densely populated street areas supporting urban Mesh networks. These busy thoroughfares will allow Mesh networks to thrive and MeshBoxes to amplify their stability and sophistication, all the while becoming a lucrative asset for their owners. The upshot of all this is that those who embrace MeshBox early on will be well compensated for their prescience.



Editor for

MeshBox is a central node providing efficient routing, storage and data streaming, to mesh networks where smart phones and IoT devices are the common nodes.