Intro to Docker with TypeScript

Reid Weber
Published in
7 min readDec 13, 2017

Over the past few years Docker has emerged as one of the most efficient ways to manage and deploy cloud-based web applications☁️ 💻 . While containers have been around since 2008, Docker helped them go mainstream, fueling the Virtual Machine vs. Container argument.

What are Docker Containers? (and why should I care?)

In short, a container is an operating system agnostic environment that hosts a fully functional application. Docker uses a virtual machine under the hood which allows developers to declare runtime dependencies via a Dockerfile.

Prior to Docker, developers were forced to manually bootstrap runtime dependencies in order to leverage a virtual machine. In contrast, a container ships with its runtime specified. In fact, a container is intended to be comprised of only its runtime dependencies and the application code. We’ll talk a bit more later about how your Docker parent image will allow you to create containers that already have dependencies like Node and Typescript installed.

A container is able to ship without a dedicated operating system since the container’s VM will handle all the operating system translation needed. Developers can rest assured that their applications will run the same, regardless of the local machine’s operating system or specifications.

For more info (and nifty graphics) go here.

Getting Started

First you’ll have to go thru the installation process. Click the following for macOS or Windows.

Note: You may have noticed the different pages in the docs for Docker CE and Docker EE. This is the Docker Community Edition vs. the Enterprise Edition. For this tutorial we don’t need to worry about EE. For the CE there are two options: stable and edge. We’ll be using stable since we aren’t going worry about the latest and greatest features being built out by the community (See the Docker CE repo here).

Once you go thru the Docker installation process, make sure the Docker application is running by checking for the little whale on your top bar (I’m using a mac for this tutorial).

If Docker is not running and you try to run a Docker command, you’ll get an error in the console that looks like this: “docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?.”

If you don’t have a Docker account, sign up at Then run docker login and enter your basic auth credentials.

Pull up the command line and run docker run hello-world; you should get this output:

What we’re doing here is fetching the hello-world image from DockerHub and running it on our local machine. This image is pretty basic since its only command is to print out the info above to the console (the exact steps are outlined in the above output).

Now let’s run a different, more complex, image. Run docker run -it ubuntu bash. This will pull the latest Ubuntu image and run it as a container on your machine. The bash argument at the end of the command allows us to open a command line session inside the new container we created. You can now issue commands to the new container from your existing console. If you run uname you can see that the console prints "Linux" — this means that your container is now running on the Docker VM (which has a virtual Linux kernel). Exit the Ubuntu shell by typing exit and pressing enter. If you run uname again, you’ll now see the “real” kernel type your machine is running on (in my case it’s "Darwin").

Creating the Dockerfile

Next we’re going to walk thru setting up a Dockerfile for a (very) simple web application that we will turn into a docker image that can be pulled and run on any local operating system. The Dockerfile defines and builds your image to run in a container. You’ll define your parent image, create a working directory in the container, and define build commands. You can see all of the possible commands you can execute in the Dockerfile here.

Note: We’re going to use a bare-bones TypeScript server that you can access here. Clone it to your local machine with: git clone or download the zip.

Navigate into your application’s directory and run touch Dockerfile. Then go ahead copy the code below into your Dockerfile. We’ll walk through each line below.

Note: Your local Dockerfile should NOT have a .txt extension. You should leave the file extension blank (gist doesn’t allow null file extensions so this one has a .txt).

Below is a brief explanation of each consequential line in this file.

FROM reidweb1/node-typescript:1.0.0

This line defines a different docker image as our parent image. This means that our image will be “stacked” on top of reidweb1/node-typescript. We need this so the lightweight operating system our container will ship with (Ubuntu) is preinstalled with Typescript and Node. (See the node-typescript repo here).


This creates a new directory in our Linux container where we’ll move all of the files that will make our app run.

ADD . /app

This copies all the files in our current directory to the app directory we created above.


Since we are running our app on port 3000 (see line 5 in index.ts) we need to expose the port 3000 on our container to any listeners. In this case — we’re only exposing port 3000 since we’re only serving HTTP content. Later on, we’ll map the container’s exposed port 3000 to a listener, localhost:3000, in order to run our application.

RUN npm install && tsc

RUN will execute given commands to set up the container. We’re first going to run npm install to pull in all the dependencies defined in our package.json. Then we’ll run tsc to transpile our Typescript code in the src directory to Javascript that will live in the dist directory.

ENTRYPOINT ["node", "dist/"]

This tells the container to run node dist/ once it’s up and running.

You’re bound to run into Dockerfiles that will use CMD instead of ENTRYPOINT. The difference is CMD is much easier to override when running a Docker image. So if you want flexibility, with what your container does after it’s instantiated, using CMD is better. For our purposes, we want node dist/ to be the only option; so we’re using ENTRYPOINT.

For more info on Dockerfile commands you can check out their docs.

Build and Run your Image

Now that we have all the components ready to go, it’s time to build our Docker image. Make sure you’re in your application’s directory and run docker build -t dockertsc .. This will build a Docker image with the contents of your current directory and add a human-readable local repository name (in our case it’s dockertsc).

Now you can run docker images and you’ll see your new image (id included) right at the top.

You’ll also see the parent image “reidweb1/node-typescript” since it was downloaded during the build phase.

Now we can run our app locally using docker run -p 4000:3000 dockertsc. This command will map the container’s port 3000 (the one we exposed) to localhost:4000. You can now see your awesome HTML at localhost:4000. (You can also run curl http://localhost:4000.)

To stop your container, open a new command line tab. Grab the container’s ID from running docker ps. Then run docker stop containerID (this command may take a few seconds).

Use ‘docker ps’ to get the container’s ID.

From the Docker Docs: You may need to use the Docker Machine IP instead of localhost. For example, To find the IP address, use the command docker-machine ip. The command would now look like this docker run -p dockertsc

Push and Share your Image

Just like remote code repositories — images can be hosted and pulled. Next we’re going to push our image to a remote repo so other folks can access it.

The command to associate a local image with a remote repository is docker tag image username/repository:tag.

  • The image part should be the local image name, in our case it’s dockertsc.
  • The username is your Docker username.
  • The repository is whatever you want to name your remote repository.
  • The tag is optional, but highly recommended.

Note: tag is a handy way for you to specify the difference between images stored in the same repo (very useful for versioning). It’s important to note that the default tag is latest.

Now upload your new image to the remote with docker push image. Now the image is going to be the name (username/repository) of new image you just tagged (not the original image tagged latest). Use docker images to pull up all of your images to make sure you use the correct name.


Now you can run the remote image with docker run -p 4000:80 username/repository:tag. This will do the same thing as our run call above, but if it doesn’t find a local image, it will pull the tagged version from the remote repository.

Now you’re up and running with Docker! 🚢 🐳 🚢

