How to Stake MESH

Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2022
  1. Go to the [Staking and Pool Voting] page from the [MESH governance] menu at the top.

2. Click the [Stake] button.

3-1. Insert the amount of MESH to be staked and select the period.

3-2. Check the expected information on the upcoming staking: the period, completion date, additional voting rights, and total APR.

※ All displayed information is real-time expected information, which may cause differences in the actual staking process.

Therefore, the user should be familiar with and understand the changes that may occur during the staking process.

3-3. Read the precautions carefully, agree with the terms, and then click the [Confirm] and [Next] buttons.

4. Confirm the staking information lastly and click the [Stake] button and the [Confirm] button.

5. Once the staking is completed,
*The staking status can be checked in ‘Staked Amount’.
*The real-time distributed rewards are in ‘Reward Amount’.
*The amount of obtained vMESH, a staking reward, can be confirmed in ‘My Voting Rights’.




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