Powering The Creative Economy Through Blockchain

Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2018


For the past year, I’ve been working on my blockchain startup, mesmr, where our focus was to build a blockchain powering the creative economy. Our first DApp (decentralized app) on the Ethereum network is a secure media platform solving the problems of secure revenue for content creators, data-privacy for viewers including on-demand income for time spent watching advertisements, and last we looked at solving advertising fraud/wasteful marketing spends through tokenized brand assets.

While working on the mesmr.tv platform we realized the inefficiencies of the Ethereum network since it operates on the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus protocol which also causes energy pollution. And even with the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus protocol, it truly isn’t a decentralized system since the person with the most coin usually gets rewarded the node validation. We’re looking to solve both PoW and PoS with our ‘Massively Delegated Proof of Stake’ (MDPoS) framework; I will expand more into the MDPoS framework in the near future as we gear up for launch.

So, we decided to build out our own blockchain using the Ethereum framework but introducing a new consensus protocol called Proof of Influence™. Think of PoI as your credit score on the blockchain, it affects what you can and can’t do across the network. If you’re a good actor then your score goes up and you’re rewarded with access/features. If you’re a bad actor then your score goes down and you also lose your MSMR (utility token) stake.

By introducing this new consensus protocol, our hope is that we bring integrity back into the technology sector through truth, trust, and transparency. Something that is missing in today’s world of fake news, wrong facts, and internet trolls. While my team has been focusing on the code development of mesmr, I’ve been focused on the brand and business development with solid partnerships such as NYIAX.

2019 for the blockchain industry will be strong in two verticals; infrastructure and tokenized assets. The mesmr blockchain is a culmination of my startup ideas of the past into a blockchain infrastructure business that can power worlds next operating system.

As we set to launch the first of our multiple-round utility token sale set for October 15th, 2018, the team and myself are happy to answer any question you may have about our blockchain startup. Feel free to visit; t.me/mesmr_telegram to join the conversation and be part of our ever growing community. If you’re interested in reading our mesmr.tv white-paper and/or blockchain deck; please feel free to reach out via LinkedIn messages or email me, dil-domine@mesmr.tv. Onwards!




Secure Media Ecosystem, Powered By Blockchain