Do You Know What Your Toddler Is Watching On YouTube?

Comprehending Internet’s Haze

The Message
Published in
9 min readSep 22, 2015


Words by Vikram Babu
Animations by
Laurent Hrybyk

“As for children, we are all responsible for creating the conditions of the hazy brains and electronic confusion. Turning a kid into a passive rather than an active thinker should be regarded as a crime against humanity.”
Christy Wampole, The Other Serious

The three-hour workday and the family of leisure that Keynes forecasted never materialized, instead the American workforce — blue and white — is subject to an ever more humiliating and arduous workday. The now always reachable and equally replaceable employee loses what little barrier existed between the physical office and home life. A number of kids will go home after school to an empty house. They will set about to eat, wash up, play and almost certainly, watch television or go on the internet for a few hours. The kids with after school activities will be engaged in some project less dulling. As gadgets proliferate, their mobile devices will fill in gaps of time, waiting for breakfast or on the school bus. Such is the beauty of user interfaces that a…

