Some Personal News

Jason O. Gilbert
The Message
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2014


So, some personal news. Today I resign from The New Republic.

But I am excited to join Fusion! Which I am also resigning from, effective immediately.

To start a new adventure at BuzzFeed! An adventure, I might add, which ends today.

Because I’ve been hired by Vox! And from which I must summarily tender my resignation.

In order to join the amazing crew at The Intercept! Who have been so kind to me, in the single minute that I spent there, before letting them know that I am moving on.

To fire up my career as a freelance writer! Get at me, editors! And now, please stop “getting at me,” as the life of a freelance writer has proven too difficult.

But not as difficult as the decision to join, and then quit from, and then again join The Atlantic! The thrill that I feel in teaming up with such talented editors and writers is matched only by my sadness in immediately leaving them to start my new journey at NPR, and then the CJR, and then WNYC, and then the WBC, and then The New Republic again (this one was an error on my part), and then Vice.

I am so excited to get started working on my resignation letter from Vice, where everyone would have been nothing but generous to me had I begun working there before announcing my transition into an advertorial role at Gawker. And before I imagine what it would be like to leave Gawker for the final time — which would have been the first time, too, had I ever stepped foot in there — I just want to thank who I can only assume were the brilliant and hard-working people who made my hypothetical time there nothing short of theoretically amazing.

I am beyond thrilled, however, to announce that I am launching a new media startup, in collaboration with Tina Brown and the puppet Smarf from “Too Many Cooks.” And as I leave today, due to disagreements with investors over the direction of the publication, as well as a series of too-public arguments over usage of the office refrigerator with Smarf, I can only say that I am so proud of what we might have accomplished, had I not been engaged full-time in searching for other jobs in media, accepting other jobs in media, and poring through my thesaurus for synonyms to the word “thrilled.”

That being said, I am now a free agent, so if you are looking for a hard-working, dedicated journalist that can give your publication the boost it needs over these next seven minutes, then get at me. I have a proven track record of being sad to leave jobs, and being ecstatic to start new ones. You’ll be thrilled to have me, for however long you do.



Jason O. Gilbert
The Message

Humor writer and inspiration for the 2009 film Hotel for Dogs