[ X ] Should Buy [ Y ]

How Pundits Write Slash Fic for Big $$$

Rex Sorgatz
The Message
Published in
7 min readJun 29, 2015


“The New York Times Should Buy Bloomberg,” trumpeted my prognostication-prone pal Felix Salmon the other day. It was a provocative salvo, simultaneously sharpened by its tidy headline yet dulled by the ubiquity of its packaging. If you haven’t noticed, the [X] Should Buy [Y] gambit has reached a state of super-saturation in business circles.

Distrust that assertion? Here then, a listicle of evidence, culled from just over the past few month, of pundits recycling that mathematically-elegant sentence structure and transforming the formula into maximum bizness thinkyness:



Rex Sorgatz
The Message

creative technologist, author, entrepreneur, designer, consultant rexsorgatz@gmail.com