CEO MessageBird nominated for Entrepreneur Of The Year 2015

Joey van Ommen


The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year award is considered the most prestigious business award in the world and is held annually in over 50 countries. MessageBird’s CEO Robert Vis has been nominated this year in The Netherlands.

During the 20th edition of the Entrepreneur Of The Year award EY (formerly Ernst & Young) will choose the most successful entrepreneur in The Netherlands. Winners of previous editions in the United States include Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Google) and Reid Hoffman and Jeff Weiner (LinkedIn). Successful entrepreneurship is more than achieving growth in revenue and market share. Vision, excellent leadership and the way entrepreneurs inspire and motivate others, are even more important. Successful entrepreneurs are determined, dedicated and often a bit stubborn.

As an innovative company in the telecommunications sector, it’s a big compliment that our CEO has been nominated as one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the category Emerging. Some other game changers this year in this category are the CEO’s of Tony’s Chocoloneley, Ticketscript and SEOshop.

The nominees will present themselves and their entrepreneurial spirit to an independent jury, consisting of entrepreneurs (former finalists), captains of industry and representatives from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the association of Dutch Holding Companies and the VNO-NCW. This jury will choose the finalists for the big finale in October 2015.



Joey van Ommen

Head of Product at MessageBird, creating awesome shit and disrupting the trillion-dollar telecom industry.