MessageBird’s cloud communication technology finds the best route for your messages

Kay Vink
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2017
Cloud Communication of the future

However straightforward sending an SMS message may seem, the process is actually quite complex. A message is often passed between providers multiple times before it reaches its destination. The number of hops it needs to go through tends to increase significantly when an SMS message is sent internationally. On top of the increased amount of hops, delivery and latency are also affected by the regulations SMS messages have to adhere to: each country and carrier has their own.

A message is often passed between providers multiple times before it reaches its destination.

The path each message takes is dependent on carrier, country and price. It’s easy to see how those routes can get messy quickly as the margin of error and latency increases with each hop. The more hops, the smaller the chance a message gets delivered when it’s supposed to, if at all.

Get direct connections

Most cloud communications providers rely heavily on third party suppliers to get access to messaging networks. This reliance leaves them little-to-no control over the route a message ends up taking. Those messages often make unnecessary hops and may even cross borders when it’s not needed.

We constantly invest time and effort to secure the cleanest, most direct routes for your messages. We’ve built great relationships with hundreds of carriers across 145 countries (at the time of writing). These relationships allow us to get messages directly to where they’re supposed to go and have them arrive on time.

Most cloud communications providers rely heavily on third party suppliers to get access to messaging networks.

We don’t only provide the most direct path for your message, we own a part of the global messaging network. We’ve become a licensed carrier ourselves in several countries to increase the reliability of our service.

Technology first

Our search for reliability, speed and efficiency has spurred us to build great software in-house. Our focus on quality technology, routing networks and people has allowed us to attract great talent and build a solid platform from the moment MessageBird was founded in 2011.

Since then, we’ve only improved. Underneath our API layer, we’ve invested early in mastering the traditional technology used for sending SMS messages. Because we invested in building out our own telco stack, we have the flexibility to connect you to your customer in a variety of ways. With multiple options and full control over our network, we dynamically select the best route for every message.

With multiple options and full control over our network, we dynamically pick the best route for every message.

Increasing the number of ways you can reach your customer on mobile is as important to us as maintaining our network. Our latest products, Voice and Chat, allow you to have meaningful conversations with your users in new ways, on new platforms.

Give MessageBird a try and discover what our fast, reliable communication technology can do for you.

