Cool Water

Libations For The Living Waters: To honour and charge the precious waters connected to the gift of a larger body of water

Julie Von Nonveiller Cairnes
Messages From Spirit


💧The eternal power of the Universe has gathered itself to create the world with true and grand harmony. 💧

We pray for healing blessings on the waters
We pray for healing blessings on the sea
We pray for healing blessings on the rivers
That they may shine in crystal purity

— Dr Masaru Emoto 💦

Water Ritual — photographer unknown

💧 Bless all the waters of the earth
Bless mother nature once again
Bless the water in the atmosphere
Bless the rivers in her sacred name

Bless the lakes, the oceans, the ice, the mountains
And the sacred tears on earth’s face
Remembering all waters as holy waters
May our cups fill with her…



Julie Von Nonveiller Cairnes
Messages From Spirit

Shaman healer, spiritual counsellor, mystic and medium. Love your work.