The Space Between: A Power Yoga Theme

Yogalee Love
Messages from the Mat
2 min readMay 9, 2024
Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

“There is no happiness without mental spaciousness. Space is something that we do not need to create in our minds; it is naturally there if we can notice it.”
Lama Rod Owens

Physically yoga Improves our posture and creates more space for the vital organs.

Energetically, look for moments of stillness. Yoga is designed to still the movement of the mind. Notice the transitions between yoga poses. Watch for the pause between breaths and the space between thoughts.


  • I invite you to pause in this moment and come to stillness…
  • Bring your attention to the tip of your nose and feel your breath…
  • bring one hand to your chest and one hand to your bottom ribs…
  • Feel into the movement of breath in your body…
  • Notice any unnecessary tension…
  • Maybe in your shoulders or jaw…
  • Invite the body to soften around the breath…
  • Take a moment to watch the breath…
  • Watch as the body receives and releases breath…
  • Inhale… exhale… receive… release…
  • Begin to look for the space between breaths…
  • Can you find the space that exists after each exhale… the space that exists just before the next inhale begins…
  • Now, let your attention come to the mind…
  • Notice if there are any thoughts present…
  • Can you find the space that exists between thoughts… the space that exists after one thought dissolves, before another thought arises…

Get big
Take up space with your body and breath
Fill your lungs
Notice the space between each pose, each breath, each thought
This is stillness

Waterfall & Personal Share:

“You have to make space in your life for what you want.”

Sometimes it is so easy to fill you days with so many things that fill your time but don’t fill you up, don’t make us happy. what is it that you want to make more space for in your life? For me it was yoga. I spent lots of years doing for others and I finally decided that I would make space for something I really wanted. Hence began my journey into teaching yoga. Making space for those things that make you feel fulfilled and at peace.

“There is no happiness without mental spaciousness. Space is something that we do not need to create in our minds; it is naturally there if we can notice it.”

