Improvements you would love in MFY

Things we shipped in April!

Arun Augustine
Messenger Marketing
2 min readApr 29, 2019


Suppression Tags

Some of our advanced users requested to add what they called “Suppression Tags”. Essentially these are tags which if some subscribers have, needs to be excluded for broadcast or sequences. A use-case for this might be to create a blacklist of subscribers for e.g.

Unsubscriber count in sequences and Broadcast

Won’t you like to know how loved were your sequences and broadcasts? We already had open and click-through rates to measure that. And just in case people didn’t like a particular message you would want to know upfront right? For that, we have added unsubscriber count in sequences and broadcast messages. Now you would be warned and will have an opportunity to fine-tune your messages to keep unsubscribe count low.

Toggle to enable retroactive sequences

Suppose you created a sequence and wanted to send it to only new customers who fall into the sequence start criteria from now on. In some other cases, you might want to start the new sequence for all existing customers. The retroactive toggle switch now allows you to choose between these two strategies.

Show estimated reach based on rules in sequences

We have added the estimated reach so that you will know upfront how many will get these messages or sequences based on your current set of filter criteria.

Do try out these new features and let us know your thought and feedbacks!!!

