The Decline of Religion in the United Kingdom

Younus AlGohar
Messiah Foundation International
2 min readMay 28, 2016

Today, atheists outnumber Christians in England and Wales. Here’s why.

For the first time in the history of England and Wales, the graph of atheists has gone higher than those who believe in Christianity and God.

The reason behind this is that the religion is not able to connect people to God.

When they call upon God, they do not receive help from God and the practice of religion is not benefiting them at all. Due to the lack of connection with God, people are distancing themselves from religion and God.

Then, they have seen what religious people are doing. Religion has been dragged through the mire by the actions of religious people.

Whether they’re Christians, Hindus, Muslims, it is so ironical and sad that people who represent religion today are not trustworthy.

The practice of religion is not benefiting anybody; rather it is polluting hearts of people and making divisions among human beings.

Therefore, when you don’t reap benefits of any faith that your practise, at the end of the day, you ask yourself, ‘Why should I waste my time and restrict myself from so many good things that I am not allowed to do by the religion?’

If Christianity in contemporary times had the calibre to connect people with God, and they would have felt God’s presence in their heart, they would have never rejected God or said that God does not exist.

So this is happening because spirituality has become extinct in Christianity, as it has with Islam. The impact of this is different for the two religions: Christians do not have spirituality today, so they are becoming atheists and Muslims do not have spirituality today, so they are becoming terrorists.

It is about the ideology, it is not about individuals.

The filth will stay in this world as long as the ideology of filth is there. Any philosophy or ideology that generates violence, hatred, killing, turns you against humanity or motivates you to kill people is unholy. It cannot come from God.

It is so unholy to attribute terrorism to God. God doesn’t support terrorism. Although terrorism is being supported in the house of God, God is not a participant.

Read more from Younus AlGohar on religion, spirituality and terrorism on his personal website.



Younus AlGohar
Messiah Foundation International

Host on ALRA TV. CEO of the Universal Sufi Order. Ambassador of Peace & Man of Valour. Advocate of interfaith harmony.