Where is the Proof that God Exists?

The age-old question answered.

Younus AlGohar
Messiah Foundation International


Somebody recently asked: ‘Can you give me proof that God exists?’

We (Messiah Foundation International) are in the business of the inner dimension of the theosophical doctrine. As far as my argument is concerned:

There is no physical evidence that may imply to show that God exists. However, there is spiritual evidence and this evidence can be served within you.

The proof of the existence of God is not outside you; it is inside you.

Once the heart is initiated and the soul illumined and enlightened; once God’s presence speaks in your heart and God’s reflection manifests in the mirror of your soul, then you will feel, observe and experience the heavy presence of God in you.

I do not have any physical proof of the existence of God. I don’t think anybody has it.

However I was convinced that God exists when God bestowed upon my heart with his presence; I felt it and I was convinced.

All human beings from Day One were looking for proof of God’s existence. They believed in the Word of God which was sent to them through prophets and messengers. They also believed in the knowledge of how to be in contact with God: the knowledge which would connect them with God so that they could feel God and be in the audience of God.

Unfortunately, the irony is that this knowledge was not evenly distributed to all human beings. Those who [did not receive] this knowledge failed to recognise the existence of God.



Younus AlGohar
Messiah Foundation International

Host on ALRA TV. CEO of the Universal Sufi Order. Ambassador of Peace & Man of Valour. Advocate of interfaith harmony.