I’m Not Brave, I’m Human

Writing about trauma is about communion, not bravery

Nikki Kay
Messy Mind


Photo by Hernan Sanchez on Unsplash

Thank you for your courage to be honest.

How brave, thank you, Nikki.

You’re so brave.



On May 2, 2019, I published my first ever personal essay. I’d been writing full-time for a year, but most of my work was fiction, and nothing I’d written had seen the light of day.

But I was ready for something more, something deeply personal.

My entrée into the world of essay was all planned out. The outlines and drafts were ready. I’d been lurking in online writing groups. My writing calendar was set up. I’d created a publication to house my work.

Yet, still, my finger hovered over the Publish button. Did I really want to put my words out there? My innermost thoughts, my deepest secrets?

Screw it, I said to myself. What are you waiting for?

A single click was the first step to establishing a new identity for myself. I am a writer. I am a personal essayist. I am the intersection of the two: a mental health blogger.

After that, the most amazing thing happened: People started reading my work.



Nikki Kay
Messy Mind

Words everywhere. Fiction, poetry, personal essays about parenting, mental health, and the intersection of the two. messymind.substack.com