Messy Mind is Seeking Writers

Tell your story

Nikki Kay
Messy Mind
2 min readJul 11, 2019


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

**Updated June 2020**

Messy Mind is a growing publication with a focus on mental health. We are looking to add to our diverse group of talented writers, each with a unique story to share involving introspection and self-discovery.

A successful submission to Messy Mind is a compelling, raw personal essay with a clear message to the reader. It is well-written and follows Medium’s curation guidelines. There are dozens of publications which accept generic self-help or cynical takes on the world without a mental health focus. Messy Mind is not one of them. Please familiarize yourself with our stories and only submit essays you feel truly fit our theme and message.

Writers of all ages and levels of experience are welcome, as long as you’re committed to working with our editorial team to present your best possible work.

When you submit, you can expect some editorial feedback. The focus of all editorial feedback will be readability, flow, and support for your thesis.

To request to be added as a writer for Messy Mind, please send an email to In that email, please do the following.

  • Say hi! Introduce yourself and say a little something about why you think Messy Mind is a good place for you.
  • Provide a link to your draft.
  • If you have a preference for publication day and time, state that in your email message. We generally publish on weekday mornings (EST) if not otherwise specified.

You’ll receive an email once you’ve been added as a writer, and then you can add your draft to our publication by clicking the three dots at the top right of the screen in your draft story, and then clicking “Add to Publication.” Please note that you need to complete the submission process by clicking “submit draft” for the story to be sent to our editors.

You can expect for your story to be published within a day or two, provided no significant edits are needed.

Thank you for your interest in submitting to Messy Mind! We can’t wait to add you to the community!



Nikki Kay
Messy Mind

Words everywhere. Fiction, poetry, personal essays about parenting, mental health, and the intersection of the two.