The End

Jess Schroeder
Messy Things
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2024

I can’t remember loving you

Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash

And then one day, I didn’t love you anymore

I didn’t like you

I didn’t think about you

I didn’t dislike you

I didn’t hate you

We were different

I was indifferent

I didn’t care that you existed

I couldn’t remember why you mattered

Why your matters weighed heavily

And my matter was weighted

If someone asked what I saw in you

I could dig deep for an explanation, but

Even as the words bubble to the surface

There’s no depth left in my explaining

I can’t feel now how those feelings felt then

I can’t explain why it’s all gone

And since it’s all gone I’m not sure that “then” matters now

Don’t get me wrong…

I remember…


I can recall all of our history without rewriting the plot

I know how every light fleck in your eyes disappeared when you turned dark

And how each bone in your hands sat

Hills and valleys rearranged into fists

I memorized the length of your neck when it stretched

How it wound to protect your throat

Tight cables bunched into ropes as you screamed

I remember every bitter word of our foggiest fights

And how your skin smelled when your anger seeped into your sweat

I remember how you kissed me

Full lips teasing mine apart, pulling me open, tongue apologizing for what your words closed off

How every hard curve of your body moved against the softness of my skin

And I remember feeling full…


Until I wasn’t

I remember needing you…


Until I didn’t

I remember being so broken at the thought of living without you that my breath caught and my chest ached into my arteries

How I wanted to curl up and die

But I didn’t want to curl onto your side of the bed

So I became smaller and lived on mine while I cried

Avoiding those fists and those fights and those eyes and those lips

But all this remembering and I just can’t imagine

How I got there

That place

Where I noticed everything and didn’t see myself

Where you were all I remembered

As I raced to forget me

And I wonder

What it was really like to love you at all

Because loving all of you turned into feeling none of you

And feeling none of you turned into loving me

And loving me turned into forgetting you

And now all that’s left is this weird fever dream of what you and I must have been

But there’s not a waking moment that it makes sense

I just can’t remember what it FEELS like to love you

And I guess that’s it…


The end



Jess Schroeder
Messy Things

Writer, Artist, Mom | Messy Things Writing Club 🔥 | Copywriter/Strategist 🤓