Meta Gamma Delta DAO Revival!

Meta Gamma Delta DAO
5 min readAug 23, 2022



It has been a minute! We’ve been quiet over the past summer ideating in stealth mode ways to bring the DAO back to life.

If you’re not familiar with Meta Gamma Delta DAO, we launched at ETHDenver 2020 as a grants-giving DAO to support women-led initiatives in the blockchain industry. We have also become an inclusive network that helps onboard women into web3 and creates a safe space for friendship and knowledge sharing.

These core goals of grants-giving and building community will not change; they will simply be approached in new ways. Why are we taking a new perspective?

  1. We currently fundraise through Adhoc initiatives year-round, which forces us to spend more time on this than on the broader mission.
  2. We have been primarily a volunteer-only DAO and are realizing we need to focus on compensating members’ contributions if we want to engage members and compete in the current DAO landscape.
  3. The existing leadership teams need rotation. Many core members have been contributing with no end date to their role for the past few years and are experiencing burnout. A change in leadership and participation is also necessary to keep the DAO energy fresh.
  4. Onboarding and contributing could use improvements. We have heard that many members have gotten lost in the sauce; they want to engage but do not understand how to do so effectively.

Due to all these reasons — we are launching grant-giving SEASONS and an EDUCATIONAL FELLOWSHIP for women in web3!!

Apply HERE for either initiative! Applications close on Sept 10th.

Let’s start with seasons…

We are launching seasons to organize cohorts to raise funds, maintain the DAO, and focus on grants-giving with funds raised. This first cohort will focus on the following:

  • Define season length (perhaps quarterly)
  • Amount of members in the cohort
  • Scope of work + timelines

Ideal KPIs:

  • Raise $25k+
  • Identify and distribute to 1–3 women-led projects
  • Develop a marketing plan to promote (blog post, social media push, etc), share retros with the DAO


  • Use Coordinape to distribute a percentage of the funds raised back to the season cohort as compensation for their time.
  • Create POAPs for participation.
  • Partner with other groups like Boys Club and Surge to create a supportive network within web3.

The season will attempt to do what MGD DAO has done, just in a more concise manner. Rather than raising funds year-round and having meetings every week with the same ten core contributors, a season will take a fresh and excited group of minds and work within a shorter period to raise funds, rally, and encourage grant applications to be distributed by the end of the season. We hope this will create new energy and revival within the DAO.

Who can apply for the season?

  • Current MGD members looking to contribute to the DAO once again.
  • Individuals that are interested in becoming MGD members and participating in the DAO.
  • Someone passionate about empowering women-led initiatives in web3.


  • Aug 23 — Sept 6: Applications Open
  • Sept 6–9: MCON Splash
  • Sept 10: Applications Close
  • Oct 5: Season kickoff!

Moving onto the educational fellowship…

ConsenSys & MGD co-present an MVP educational fellowship initiative! There will be two options within the fellowship: ConsenSys Blockchain Essentials (more basic, less technical) or ConsenSys Developer Boot Camp (deeper dive for the technical crowd) with 15 sponsored spots.

It might be a bear market, but it is a great time to learn about and prepare for a career in blockchain. As a part of this revival period, we wanted to tap into members who joined MGD as their first stop in their web3 journey and are still learning about the space. We have heard from many women on community calls that they want to make a career transition and need guidance.

This fellowship is the perfect place for those members looking to learn more about web3 before jumping into the seasons, have a spirit for learning, and/or are interested in finding a career in the industry.

What career/educational paths will the MVP serve?

  • Developer relations & community managers: these individuals will take ConsenSys Blockchain Essentials or ConsenSys Developer boot camp, depending on their starting skill set. The goal will be to prepare them with core knowledge for community management, as well as knowledge of smart contracts and solidity. Nice to have: an overview of top protocols & some tools for how to research & evaluate protocols.
  • Tech marketers: this group will take ConsenSys Blockchain Essentials with the goal of becoming conversant in all the basics needed to translate existing marketing, PR, and social media skills to this new field.
  • Developers: anyone with some dev skills in web2 will be a good candidate for ConsenSys Developer Boot Camp with the goal of future job placement as a dev.

If we receive specific applicants in other areas, we can consider them on a case-by-case basis.

As a part of this fellowship, ConseSys and MGD will combine forces to provide guest speakers from some of the top leaders in web3, mentors to guide individuals and help them stay on track, recruitment opportunities, and opportunities to share current fellowship members’ stories.


  • Aug 17: Present the program to the DAO internally
  • Aug 23 — Sept 10: Open up applications and begin interviewing applicants
  • Sept 10: Applications close
  • Sept 12: Kick-Off + Mentor Matching
  • Sept 13: Orientation + Meet and Greet with other Participants
  • Sept 19: First Meeting with Mentors
  • Sept 20: Web3 Career Learning Session with ConsenSys
  • Sept 23 — Dec 6: Participants to take ConsenSys programs async and have guest speakers weekly + mentor sessions
  • Dec 6: ConsenSys Closing Session

NOTE: Tuesday and Friday guest speaker + learning sessions run from the week of 9/19 through the week of 12/9/22. Learners also meet with mentors weekly. (Skip Friday, Nov 25, for the Thanksgiving holiday in the US.)

So what are you waiting for?! Apply HERE for our seasons or our educational fellowship today! BOTH applications close on Sept 10th!



Meta Gamma Delta DAO

Inclusive ⚡️ Empowering ⚡️ Decentralized ⚡️ MGD DAO supports women-led projects in the blockchain space through grants. Join us!