Meta Gamma Delta Grant Winners!

Christina Norgard Rud
Meta Gamma Delta DAO
2 min readDec 9, 2020


The Process

After hustling and raising funds, we announced MGD’s first round of funding. We opened applications on October 1st and received 30+ strong entries from all over the world. Upon narrowing down the submissions to 9 projects, we invited the finalists to a pitch day. All MGD members were invited and we anonymously scored teams across their level of innovation, impact and drive to push forward the decentralized ecosystem. We were proud to see each team have kick ass, female leadership!

The round was split between a General MGD Fund and a Maker Foundation Fund (only open to projects utilizing the MakerDAO protocol).

🥁… And the winners are!

MGD General Fund 7K DAI — The Defiant

The Defiant is a burgeoning DeFi-focused media team. With explosive growth, consistent high-quality content and innovative web3-based plans for the future this powerhouse of a content team founded by MGD member, Camila Russo, was an easy pick.

MGD General Fund 5K DAI — DADA’s Invisible Economy

DADA, a fellow DAO founded by Beatriz Ramos and Judy Mam has the mission of ending the paradigm of the starving artist. Achieved in part by a doacratic economic system where artists receive a guaranteed income in exchange for contributing to the community, DADA successfully pioneers the use of DAO, NFT and community structures.

Maker Foundation Fund 10K DAI — GoodGhosting

GoodGhosting is a gamified savings app plugged into DeFi stablecoin platforms. With great UX and plans of fiat-on ramp, this app founded by MGD member, Rachel Black, creates great financial habits and makes saving money fun!

In addition to $$, the winners also receive:

  • A security review with a member from the Quantstamp team
  • Mentorship and guidance from leading developers in the ecosystem
  • Access to legal guidance specific to the blockchain industry
  • An interview with Girl Gone Crypto (25k followers on Twitter)
  • A free domain from Unstoppable Domains (along with potential to qualify for additional grant money)

We’d also like to give a special shoutout to the other projects that came to pitch day!

Seeing the quality of all the badass women-led projects that applied and being able to contribute in a meaningful way legitimized the MGD mission. We are inspired and hopeful for another grant round in 2021, stay tuned!

How do I join the DAO?

If you’re keen to learn how to coordinate decentralized decision-making and empower women led blockchain projects, join our super friendly society of web3 enthusiasts by applying here and following us on Twitter.

If you just want to support our DAO, check out our Gitcoin grants page or feel free to donate DAI directly to our guild bank at 0x7d58c962356ae66ba91b108751d67ae5d3b022fc. Thanks to our community for pushing us forward!

