Can “overrated jpegs” be useful?

4 min readAug 17, 2022

People spend as much of their free time online as possible. They consume so much content that staying online rivals even such a basic need as sleep. It makes sense that staying so long in a virtual space triggers a desire to own something in it. Whether it’s the objects you look at, whether it’s representing yourself to others, or the keys that open the door to a certain community. NFT is the answer to each of these requests. We only see the tip of the iceberg of the possibilities of this technology. It’s important to develop it to unlock the full potential of NFT applications. Maybe artists saw it first. For they are naturally able to see the future. But in a few years, everyone will see NFT applied to everything from gaining ownership of physical assets to gaining voice and influence in the community.

Work from the NFT collection of the largest charitable NFT project in Ukraine — META HISTORY museum

The multi-dimensionality of NFTs makes them an ideal tool to perform tasks on different planes. It is the fixation of the truth about the events — where everyone can see it, but no one can destroy it. It’s communicating meaningful things through art. This helps, for example, for example, the Ukrainian project documenting the events of the war to speak even to those who are tired of the terrible news or, because of the sheer volume of pain that war brings, are afraid to touch our reality. It’s a way to tell the world about talented artists and open the way for many of them to enter the NFT sphere. And it’s a technical solution that gives us confidence that all the money from the sale goes to its intended use, if your goal is to raise money for charity.

Work from the NFT collection of the largest charitable NFT project in Ukraine — META HISTORY museum

META HISTORY museum — an example of how NFT capabilities became part of the project concept. This is a museum of Ukrainian war in which every significant event will remain forever. We will never forget it. We fought and continue to fight for every day of freedom and life in general. Outside of Ukraine a lot of people don’t feel it as clearly. But being here, you physically feel how the news imprints you with that new experience that will never let you be the same again. Ukrainians are now going through a journey where every day is worth a work of art. If you compare it to ordinary life, a person experiences this kind of emotional tension only a few times at his age. And we have been in historic events for almost 200 days. And it’s important to give meaning to this. That’s why we say: every day of this experience is important, every day must remain in the world’s memory, and every day must find its place in the META HISTORY museum.

Work from the NFT collection of the largest charitable NFT project in Ukraine — META HISTORY museum

In the beginning, the most important thing for us was to defend our country’s independence and save the people who were in dire need of it. As the war extended, new challenges began to appear before us. The destruction the russian army brings with it is intended to leave us without a past. And thus distort the truth of who we are through further propaganda. As a consequence, we risk losing the future — the way we want it to be. This is why the work of preserving and restoring the objects on which the nation’s identity is based comes to the fore. And we are already thinking about it now. Because outside the front line, there must be people who know exactly who they are as a nation, and what makes them so. Understanding that the foundations that unite them are worth fighting for. This, too, is a component of victory in the long run.

Work from the NFT collection of the largest charitable NFT project in Ukraine — META HISTORY museum

Money from the sale of META HISTORY museum’s NFTs are used to restore cultural heritage. They are represented by several collections: Warline, Avatars for Ukraine, a joint project with the Depositphotos international platform. and several other collections, which are in the idea stage. Project plan to do a lot to restore the cultural heritage of Ukraine that was damaged during the war. And at the same time, to change the perception of Ukrainian culture itself — what people knew about it today. Ukrainians have a historic chance to transform the country with a huge cultural layer. And people who underestimate its importance are simply unaware of everything that keeps Ukraine’s past and future alive. And we know our history and our potential, and we believe in the future. And the NFT will help us make it happen.




The largest Ukrainian charitable NFT-project supported by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine with timeline-based set of NFTs that tells about the war in Ukraine