NFT-Art Will Restore Ukraine’s Physical Items of Cultural Heritage Affected by the War

3 min readAug 23, 2022

The Revival Project collection introduced by the international content platform Depositphotos in partnership with the META HISTORY museum and the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine will finance the rebuilding of the iconic sites.

The artworks themselves also offer the artistic vision of 7 Ukrainian creators concerning the future of destroyed cultural sites. 20+ buildings that have exceptional cultural value and significant importance to the entire nation are showcased in the project. Among them are such symbolic sights as the Drama Theater in Mariupol, Freedom Square in Kharkiv, the Regional State Administration in Mykolaiv, Vorontsov Palace in Odesa, and Donetsk International Airport. Every artist has a special connection with these cultural sites, which makes their works deeply personal. Thus, 38 concepts for the transformation of damaged cultural heritage turned into the NFTs, allowing their restoration in the future.

“During six months of the war in Ukraine, russians have destroyed hundreds of our museums, theaters, and cultural centers. Ukrainian culture and national heritage have been damaged by almost 6 billion euros, and as to the actions and intentions of the russian federation, this amount will only be increasing. That is why today it is important to support modern initiatives and creative projects to restore Ukraine’s unique cultural heritage, involving in the process as many interested people as possible,” said Oleksandr Tkachenko, Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

More than 450 monuments have already been damaged or destroyed because of the war.

This number grows day by day. META HISTORY pursues the aim to give the Ukrainians back their landmark buildings and museums ― to turn them into symbols of the country’s revival. For this purpose, in May 2022, the project began to cooperate with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine ― to start the restoration of cultural heritage, which is being purposefully destroyed by the enemy. Depositphotos became the first company to create a collection, 100% of money from which will be sent to the state.

“This project is significant for Depositphotos as our team consists of many Ukrainians. We’ve been standing for Ukraine since the beginning of the war, and we would like to make our contribution to help Ukraine. The grueling and brutal war continues, but our thoughts of tomorrow are full of optimism. Our goal is to join efforts with artists and our creative community for recovering destroyed cultural sites and returning a feeling of home to millions of people. In this project, we invite you to explore the before and afters of Ukraine’s heritage, personal stories from the local creative community, and contribute to the country’s future by purchasing thematic NFT artworks” — Vadim Nekhai, VP at Depositphotos.

Access to each of the 6 thematic series from the collection will be provided gradually — every 4–6 days you will be able to see the new artworks. Each will be available for sale an unlimited number of times at All money will be sent to the crypto wallet of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

“We really want to do a lot to restore the cultural heritage of Ukraine that was damaged during the war. And at the same time, to change the perception of Ukrainian culture itself — what people know about it today. We have a historic chance to transform the country with a huge cultural layer. And people who underestimate its importance are simply unaware of everything that keeps Ukraine’s past and future alive. Whereas we know our history and our potential, and we believe in our future”, VK, Founder of META HISTORY museum.




The largest Ukrainian charitable NFT-project supported by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine with timeline-based set of NFTs that tells about the war in Ukraine