Oleksandr Tkachenko Becomes the META HISTORY’s Ambassador of Culture.

3 min readSep 2, 2022

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine (MCIP), together with the META HISTORY museum, Ukraine’s largest charitable NFT project, will implement joint plans related to recovery of cultural heritage affected by the war unleashed by russia. All the money earned from the museum’s new NFT collections and auctions will be sent to the Ministry’s special account, from which the reconstruction of cultural monuments is to be funded.

The first of the initiatives aimed to raise recovery funds for several landmarks in the regions — The Revival Project — has already been launched in cooperation of MCIP, META HISTORY and international content platform Depositphotos. It united seven creators by a common idea of depicting how the destroyed landmarks in various regions of Ukraine might look after the recovery. The landmark buildings include the Drama Theatre in Mariupol, the Freedom Square in Kharkiv, the Regional State Administration in Mykolaiv, the Vorontsov Palace in Odesa, and Donetsk International Airport. 38 illustrations created by the artists are available for purchase in the form of NFTs on the


“During six months of the war in Ukraine, almost 500 cultural monuments were destroyed or damaged. The national heritage suffered colossal losses. russia seeks to deprive us of our identity, of the foundations that hold the understanding of who we are as a nation. At the same time, the enemy wants to distort the world’s perception of us through propaganda. Therefore, recovery and preservation of cultural heritage are of priority value, and now it is already important to think about it. As well as about opportunities to strengthen our culture. Since we cannot cancel the losses, we need to transform and show ourselves to the world as the new ones. Cooperation with META HISTORY is exactly about it,” Oleksandr Tkachenko, Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

Within cooperation of META HISTORY with MCIP, the renovation of culture will be funded by the money gained from new releases of the main NFT collections — Warline and Avatars for Ukraine. Together with NFT auction related to Eurovision trophy, these projects have already raised more than $1.2 million for humanitarian and military needs. Their release is scheduled for September. Just like the auction of works of the famous Finnish digital artist Vesa and Ukrainian artist Zinaida. They will donate their works to support the project mission. Art auctions are part of the development plan to be implemented by META HISTORY together with MCIP. The implementation plan with a more detailed description of actions and terms will soon be published on the website and presented in the Party Space virtual space.

“Trying to tell about the events in Ukraine, we created a project that has now gone beyond the scope of the main idea. Even though it will still narrate about the war until the victory day. And its main principle — 100% of money to help the nation — will never change. But now its story will not stop with the end of active hostilities. It will fulfill the goals with much longer terms, bringing together the best artists and representatives of the web3 community who share our values and want to support the development of Ukraine after the victory,” VK, founder of the META HISTORY museum.




The largest Ukrainian charitable NFT-project supported by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine with timeline-based set of NFTs that tells about the war in Ukraine