Life is (not) a Death Sentence?

.. or is it?

Meta Life
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2021


Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

The year was 1999, the end of it. We were celebrating (prematurely, IMHO) the start of new millennia. Everyone in the office was excited, full of hope and promise. During all of that, one of my coworkers said: “Are you guys aware that we just entered the millennia in which we all are going to die?”. That was a mood changer, to say the least.

Fast forward to the present day, pandemic and all. We’re forced to reevaluate our view of death, whether we like it or not. Some people got paranoid about it, some are still in denial, the majority still think that they’re infallible/immortal. Personally, I’d like to think that death is an essential part of life, without which life would be meaningless.

Death Paranoia

Thanatophobia is a form of anxiety characterized by a fear of one’s own death or the process of dying. It is commonly referred to as death anxiety. Death anxiety is not defined as a distinct disorder, but it may be linked to other depression or anxiety disorders. —from

As a psychology student, a long time ago, I had a colleague who was obsessed with death. So much so that his favorite extracurricular activity was to stroll through graveyards, contemplating it (I…



Meta Life

“The only person you can’t learn from is yourself” — Anonymous