A Fractional Laplacian Approach to Gene Expression in Cellular Networks

Freedom Preetham
Meta Multiomics
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2023

In the world of cells, it’s really important to understand how genes work and how they’re controlled. Traditional mathematical models often leverage classical differential equations to capture the dynamics of these processes. However, the complexities introduced by non-local interactions demand more nuanced approaches. Enter the realm of fractional calculus — a powerful mathematical framework that provides a refined lens to view processes like gene expression in cellular networks.

I have written about “Understanding the 1D Fractional Laplacian Equation” which explains the foundations.

Gene Expression: A Quick Refresher

At its core, gene expression is the process by which information from a gene is utilized to produce a functional gene product, typically proteins. This multi-step procedure, which involves transcription and translation, is heavily influenced by numerous factors, both internal and external to the cell. Within the context of cellular networks, the expression of genes isn’t an isolated affair — it is influenced by neighboring cells and, in some cases, even by cells that are distant.

Traditional Approaches and Their Limitations

Classical mathematical models represent gene expression as a local phenomenon. For example, the rate of change of a gene product might be considered proportional to the current amount of that product, leading to a basic differential equation like:

Where u(t,x) is the concentration of the gene product and R(u) is a reaction term representing local cellular interactions.

However, in the complex web of cellular networks, local interactions aren’t the only players. Non-local interactions, which can span multiple cells or even tissues, add layers of complexity that aren’t accurately captured by classical differential equations.

The Fractional Calculus Paradigm in Cellular Networks

The concept of fractional calculus is a natural extension of classical calculus, encompassing integrals and derivatives to non-integer (or “fractional”) orders. While traditional calculus has been instrumental in describing a myriad of physical processes, its fractional counterpart has emerged as a powerful tool in capturing phenomena characterized by long-range interactions and memory effects, prominent in the realm of cellular networks.

Gene Expression: A Fractional Perspective

Gene expression, the process by which genes are transcribed and translated to produce proteins, is governed by a complex interplay of factors. Within the intricate cellular milieu, interactions aren’t just localized but also exhibit long-range dependencies. To capture this essence, let’s introduce a model for gene expression that incorporates fractional derivatives.

Given by the equation:

In this representation:

  • α and s are fractional orders that highlight the memory effects and long-range dependencies respectively.
  • (−Δ)^s symbolizes the fractional Laplacian operator, introducing a form of non-local diffusion to the model.
  • R(u(t,x)) denotes the regular gene expression rates or processes.
  • I(u(t,x)) captures non-local interactions, crucial for understanding long-range dependencies in cellular networks.

Dissecting the Non-local Interactions

A pivotal component in this model is the term I(u(t,x)), which can be elucidated as:

Here, the function K(xy) acts as a kernel, essentially determining the nature and strength of interactions across different spatial points within the cellular environment. This kernel can be visualized as a “weighting function” which defines how much influence a particular point y in the domain Ω has on the point x.

In biological terms, the kernel could represent the efficiency by which signals or molecules diffuse from one cellular location to another. A steep kernel might indicate that only neighboring cells significantly influence a given cell, while a flatter kernel could suggest that even distant cells have a non-negligible effect on our cell of interest.

Implications for Cellular Biology

Using fractional differential equations can yield several insights:

  1. Pattern Formation: In multicellular organisms, patterns of gene expression can arise from non-local interactions. Fractional models can provide a more realistic representation of such phenomena, aiding in our understanding of tissue development and organ formation.
  2. Robustness and Flexibility: Fractional models, due to their inherent ability to capture memory effects and spatial heterogeneity, can offer insights into how cellular networks maintain robustness in gene expression amidst external perturbations.
  3. Synchronization: In some cellular systems, synchronous gene expression across distant cells is crucial. The non-local nature of fractional equations can assist in understanding the mechanisms behind such synchronization.

The complexity of gene expression in cellular networks requires sophisticated mathematical tools for accurate representation. Fractional calculus, with its emphasis on non-local interactions, provides a potent framework to delve deep into the intricacies of cellular communication and gene regulation. By transitioning to this fractional perspective, researchers and biologists can unveil new layers of understanding, pushing the boundaries of what we know about the life that thrives within our cells.

