Generative Biology and In-Silico Simulations are the Future of Biology.

Freedom Preetham
Meta Multiomics
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2024

As traditional wet-lab methodologies begin to exhibit diminishing returns, the future of biological innovation is increasingly being steered toward the confluence of computational sciences and genomics. This emerging paradigm, powered by the integration of advanced mathematical models, physics, and cutting-edge artificial intelligence, promises a revolutionary leap in the efficiency, precision, and scalability of biological research.

The current suite of wet-lab automation tools, such as automated liquid handling systems, high-throughput screening devices, and microfluidic lab-on-a-chip technologies, have indeed enhanced experimental throughput. However, these advancements provide only incremental improvements and are not sufficient to meet the long-term demands for productivity and innovation in the field. The essential challenge lies in their limited capability to fundamentally transform the discovery and development processes in biology.

The transition toward in-silico methodologies is being spearheaded by advances in generative biology, which utilizes AI to reimagine the drug discovery and biological synthesis processes. Through deep learning and machine learning, AI models trained on vast arrays of protein structures and functional genomic data can now predict and synthesize novel biological entities with specific therapeutic functions. This approach not only accelerates the discovery process but also increases the success rates of developing viable therapeutic candidates, addressing the traditionally high failure rates of drug discovery.

Moreover, sophisticated computational models, such as AlphaFold, DeepCRISPR and ProteinBERT, enhance our ability to make precise biological predictions. These models excel at identifying optimal gene-editing sites and predicting protein functions with unprecedented accuracy, thereby streamlining the development of next-generation therapies like CRISPR-based gene editors and personalized mRNA vaccines. By enabling rapid screening of thousands of potential interactions, these models drastically reduce the scope of experimental validation required, enhancing the overall efficiency of the research process.

The role of wet labs will not be eliminated. It will be needed particularly for the final stages of experimental validation. These labs provide the empirical evidence needed to confirm the predictions made by computational models, ensuring that the innovations are both effective and grounded in biological reality. This vital interplay between computational predictions and empirical validations forms the backbone of modern biological research, ensuring that each new discovery is both innovative and reliable.

The future of biological research, therefore, hinges on a seamless integration of in-silico models with traditional empirical methodologies. This integrated approach promises not only to overcome the limitations of current wet-lab protocols but also to pave the way for rapid, efficient, and groundbreaking advances in biology. As this field continues to evolve, the collaborative synergy between computational and empirical methods will be key to unlocking new frontiers in biological science.

