Pushing the Limits: Google’s Med-PaLM 2 is Transforming AI in Healthcare.

Freedom Preetham
Meta Multiomics
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2023

The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has fundamentally altered numerous sectors, and healthcare is no exception. One pivotal stride in this direction has been the development of AI systems that can provide accurate answers to medical questions, emulating the performance of skilled physicians.

A revolutionary leap in this arena is the development of Med-PaLM 2 by Google + DeepMind, an enhanced AI model designed to answer complex medical queries accurately.

Decoding the Innovation: Med-PaLM 2

Med-PaLM 2, a highly advanced AI model, represents the culmination of years of research and development. It builds on the foundations of earlier Large Language Models (LLMs) and its predecessor, Med-PaLM, augmenting their capacities with domain-specific finetuning, a sophisticated technique that adjusts the parameters of a pre-trained AI model to better suit the specific tasks at hand, in this case, medical question-answering.

One of the unique features of Med-PaLM 2 is its innovative ensemble refinement prompting strategy, designed to bolster the reasoning capabilities of LLMs. The ensemble refinement approach involves the conditioning of model responses on multiple reasoning paths generated by the model in a prior step. This strategy has close parallels with self-consistency, recitation-augmentation, self-refine, and dialogue-enabled reasoning, all techniques designed to ensure the validity and consistency of the model’s outputs.

New Benchmarks in AI-Powered Medical Question Answering

Med-PaLM 2’s performance surpasses previous models and sets new standards in the field of AI-assisted medical question answering. The model achieved an impressive score of up to 86.5% on the MedQA dataset, marking a substantial improvement of over 19% compared to Med-PaLM, its predecessor. Furthermore, the model showcased state-of-the-art performance on various other medical benchmarks, including MedMCQA, PubMedQA, and MMLU clinical topics datasets.

To provide some context. OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4 base model is at 86.1% on the MedQA dataset scores.

In a comparison of 1066 consumer medical questions, physicians demonstrated a preference for answers provided by Med-PaLM 2 over those given by fellow physicians on eight out of nine clinically relevant axes. This comparison underscores the model’s accuracy, adherence to medical consensus, reasoning ability, and low likelihood of harm. The potential value of Med-PaLM 2 is further underlined by its performance on newly introduced adversarial testing datasets. The model’s answers were evaluated as having a low risk of harm for 90.6% of the time, a significantly improved statistic compared to Med-PaLM’s 79.4%.

Real-world Implications and Applications

While the true efficacy of AI models like Med-PaLM 2 requires further validation in real-world settings, the current results signify rapid progress towards achieving physician-level performance in AI-based medical question answering. This development can have transformative implications for the healthcare sector, providing robust tools for clinicians and enhancing patient care.

  1. Telemedicine & Virtual Health Assistants: Med-PaLM 2 could be integrated into telemedicine platforms, aiding in the provision of instant, accurate responses to patient queries. This feature could enhance the patient experience and provide physicians with valuable decision support tools. In addition, the AI model could be employed in creating advanced virtual health assistants capable of handling a wide range of medical queries, providing 24/7 assistance to patients.
  2. Medical Education & Training: The model could serve as a robust tool for medical students and professionals looking to expand their knowledge or seek clarifications on complex medical topics. Med-PaLM 2 can be a vital resource in the modernization of medical education and training.
  3. Public Health Campaigns: The model can be used to develop comprehensive public health campaigns that deliver accurate, understandable health information to the public. Its ability to generate physician-level responses can ensure that the information disseminated is of high quality and easy to comprehend.
  4. Medical Research: Med-PaLM 2 could aid researchers by providing immediate answers to complex questions related to medical data analysis, thus accelerating the pace of medical discoveries and developments.
  5. Personalized Medicine: The model’s capacity to understand and answer complex medical queries can also contribute to the growth of personalized medicine. It could assist physicians in developing individualized treatment plans by providing insights based on the latest medical research and data.

Med-PaLM 2 signifies a leap forward in the development of AI for healthcare applications. Its potential uses extend far beyond the examples listed above. As AI technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for its application in healthcare are virtually limitless. The advent of Med-PaLM 2 reaffirms the critical role of AI in transforming the healthcare landscape and opens up exciting new opportunities for future exploration.

