The Complexity of Polygenic Mutations: A Critical Look at AlphaMissense

Freedom Preetham
Meta Multiomics
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2023

Google’s DeepMind just announced the release of it’s disease prediction model called AlphaMissense. The idea behind AlphaMissense is the ability to predict the pathogenic missense variants which disrupts protein function and reduce organismal fitness, while benign missense variants have limited effect.

The introduction of AlphaMissense into the genomic landscape has been nothing short of revolutionary. This deep learning model, adept at predicting the effects of single–amino acid changes in proteins, will bridge significant gaps in our understanding of protein function and dysfunction.

Let’s explore the prowess of AlphaMissense and its current applications in the realm of genomic medicine.

Proficiency of AlphaMissense

  1. Predictive Accuracy: AlphaMissense, building upon the foundation of the renowned AlphaFold, has demonstrated remarkable accuracy in predicting the pathogenicity of amino acid substitutions. By leveraging the structural modeling capabilities of AlphaFold, AlphaMissense can discern the potential functional consequences of these substitutions with high precision.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage: One of the standout features of AlphaMissense is its ability to predict the pathogenicity of all possible single amino acid changes for a given protein sequence. This comprehensive coverage ensures that even rare or previously uncharacterized variants can be assessed for their potential clinical significance.
  3. Evolutionary Insights: AlphaMissense doesn’t operate in isolation. It integrates evolutionary constraints derived from related protein sequences, allowing it to make predictions that are informed by the evolutionary history of the protein in question.

Applications of AlphaMissense

  1. Understanding Molecular Effects: AlphaMissense predictions have the potential to illuminate the molecular effects of variants on protein function. By understanding how specific amino acid changes can impact protein structure and function, researchers can gain insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of various diseases.
  2. Disease-Causing Gene Identification: One of the significant challenges in genomics is identifying genes responsible for specific diseases. AlphaMissense can contribute to this endeavor by highlighting amino acid changes that are likely pathogenic, aiding in the identification of potential disease-causing genes.
  3. Enhancing Rare Disease Diagnostics: The diagnosis of rare genetic diseases often hinges on identifying pathogenic mutations in patients. With the vast majority of missense variants being of unknown clinical significance, AlphaMissense can play a pivotal role by classifying these variants as either likely benign or likely pathogenic. This can significantly increase the diagnostic yield for rare genetic disorders.
  4. Informing Studies of Complex Traits: Complex traits, influenced by multiple genetic factors, can benefit from the annotations provided by AlphaMissense. By understanding which variants are likely deleterious, researchers can gain insights into the genetic underpinnings of these traits.

Polygenic Mutations and Limitations of AlphaMissense

while AlphaMissense’s capabilities in the genomic medicine domain are undeniably impressive, its potential limitations in addressing the complexities of polygenic mutations warrant a closer examination.

Before delving into the challenges, it’s essential to understand the nature of polygenic mutations. Unlike monogenic mutations, where a single gene is responsible for a disease or trait, polygenic mutations involve multiple genes, each contributing a small effect. Diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and many psychiatric disorders are classic examples of polygenic conditions. The interplay of multiple genes, often in conjunction with environmental factors, leads to the manifestation of these diseases.

Challenges for AlphaMissense in Addressing Polygenic Mutations:

  1. Interplay of Multiple Genes: AlphaMissense is primarily designed to predict the effects of amino acid substitutions in individual proteins. However, polygenic conditions arise from the subtle interplay of multiple genes. Predicting the cumulative effect of these interactions is a challenge that AlphaMissense is not currently equipped to handle.
  2. Environmental Interactions: Polygenic traits often involve gene-environment interactions. For instance, a set of genes might increase the risk of obesity, but the actual manifestation might depend on dietary habits. Without accounting for these environmental factors, predictions based solely on genetic data can be misleading.
  3. Epistasis and Genetic Modulation: In polygenic conditions, the effect of one gene can be modulated by the presence of mutations in another gene, a phenomenon known as epistasis. Understanding and predicting these intricate genetic interactions is beyond the scope of models focused on single protein variants.
  4. Complex Disease Pathways: Polygenic diseases often involve multiple biological pathways. A mutation in one gene might impact a metabolic pathway, while another affects an inflammatory response. Capturing the holistic view of these diverse pathways and their interactions is a significant challenge.

Future Directions and Potential Solutions:

  1. Integrative Models: To address polygenic mutations, future iterations of tools like AlphaMissense should integrate data from multiple genes, considering their combined effects rather than isolated impacts.
  2. Incorporating Environmental Data: Models should be designed to incorporate environmental data, allowing for a more comprehensive prediction that considers both genetic and environmental factors.
  3. Systems Biology Approach: Embracing a systems biology approach, which looks at the interactions of various cellular components, can provide a more holistic view of polygenic conditions.

Cognit’s AI models in Contrast with AlphaMissense

While AlphaMissense is proficient in predicting the effects of single amino acid changes in proteins, it doesn’t delve deep into the complexities of polygenic mutations. Cognit, on the other hand, offers a comprehensive approach to understanding gene expression, epigenetic profiling, and the interplay of multiple genes in polygenic diseases. This makes Cognit more suited for addressing the challenges posed by polygenic mutations.

While both AlphaMissense and Cognit offer valuable insights into the world of genomic medicine, their approaches and areas of expertise differ. Cognit’s focus on gene expression engineering and its comprehensive approach to polygenic diseases set it apart in addressing the multifaceted challenges of genomic medicine.

