3D Print and Party

MetaBlog YMCA
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2015

At MetaMedia, Makers don’t often sit by themselves and tinker with technology in solitude. Rather, they take the opportunity to spend time with their friends while also taking advantage of all the cool stuff available to them.

Like the 3D printer.

Today, one Maker decided to print something for the just the second time in her MetaMedia career.

The MakerBot 3D printer works on printing one Maker’s project.

Her vision, a bunch of little boxes that would make up one bigger box, may have seemed random, but as long as she was practicing with the printer and gaining new skills, she could’ve printed anything and still have been making great use of her time.

But her 3D printing experience wasn’t just technical. In fact, it also showed one of the best things about MetaMedia — the sense of community. As she waited hours for her project to complete, she was surrounded by at least five friends at a time, all chatting, laughing and making music videos on iPads. Oh, and going to the nearby Bennison’s Bakery together for some fresh cookies.

A group of friends has fun while waiting for the 3D printer.

As we can see from this Maker’s afternoon at MetaMedia, it’s not all about the finished project, which she wasn’t even able to see before the space closed for the day anyway. The friends we bond with and the exposure to new ideas and technology along the way are just as important.

Who knows, maybe next time she’ll 3D print something even cooler, or all of her friends will be inspired to try it too.


