A 100 km Memory for Metablox.co

I spent a full day riding 100 km on a bike with my girlfriend — Dulce

(KJH) Kuan-Jung, Huang
4 min readJul 23, 2022


Photo by Dulce Chang who is my girl friend.

tldr: I’m building Metablox, a virtual layer on top of the real world that allows you to own places as NFTs.

It’s 2022 and my girlfriend — Dulce and I are living in Cheng Du, China. This is the second time I’ve had a long stay in different country and we have collected a lot of meaningful moments in our lives.

It’s also here, where I’m helping build Metablox.co, by contributing my knowledge of blockchain technology and software engineering.

We are not only building a platform where people can store and share their memories, but also making really meaningful experiences in own lives as well.

Why Would I Ride 100km in Chengdu?

On May 23, 2022, we launched the minting phase for Metablox and I hadn’t had a break from work January. Although I have a lot of startup experience in Taiwan, this is my first time as the CTO in a company so I’m working extra hard to make sure everything functions well.

When we successfully completed this important milestone my girlfriend suggested we create our own meaningful memory in Chengdu, China.

I thought it was a really great idea! When we move back to Taiwan, this would be a great memory for us, but also a good memory contribute to our platform when we launch our memories everywhere.

We start thinking about ways to create a precious memory between us, and also, a significant milestone in our lives. After exploring a few options, we finally decided on riding our bikes 100 km on the Green Path.

One of Dulce’s colleagues, Ken, helped us plan, acquire the bikes, and also organize a cycling group to take this challenge.

We Start at Starbucks

The day of the ride was a little rainy in morning, but it did not diminish our enthusiasm for the challenge of cycling 100 km. None of us are cyclists, so this was going to be meaningful accomplishment.

The beginning of the bike path is muddy and my clothes got destroyed from the mud getting flung up from the tires, but we kept on riding through the rain.

We did not take many photos to document our ride progress because our focus was on maintaining speed and momentum. However, we did take a photo from the starting point!

0km of the bike path.

Along the ride, we did see some of the beautiful spots near the 50 ~ 75 km, so we stopped to take a photo at these special locations.

At around 80 km, my legs hurt, my lower back was sore, and my head was spinning. During the short break we even discussed calling a taxi to bring us back to the dorms, but decided with just 20 km left we would keep riding.

That last 20 km was exhausting. At one point I had ridden just 2 km, but it felt like 20km! I started thinking the marks on the road were inaccurate, like they had put the wrong distance down.

At last we were approaching the finish line — but we still needed to ride back to Starbucks to return the bikes. After all that riding, we had finally accomplished our mission!

Why We are Working on Memories Anywhere

Precious memories can be happened everywhere, not only on the cities that we have launched on the Metablox platform. Although our plan is to eventually cover the planet in blox, we are working on opening the map to allow memories to be placed anywhere.
To achieve this, we are working on an Arweave integration, Once we complete the Arweave integration, neighbors will be able to add their memories to the blockchain anywhere.

Let’s make real life awesome and make meaningful memories together!

