Blox Anywhere

Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2022

🌎 Big platform update!

Photo by Brett Zeck on Unsplash

The moment we launched blox in San Francisco and added the memories feature, it became obvious that the geographic limitations of a city by city launch would be a challenge. At NFT NYC in June, we launched Memories Anywhere allowing Neighbors to save their precious experiences anywhere on the globe.

Here at NFT Seattle, we’re releasing Blox Anywhere 🎆

How it Works

Blox anywhere is our way of scaling memory addition without removing the craftsmanship that goes into blox creation. Now when you add a memory in a location where there are no blox — it will serve as the seed from which a blox will be drawn.

Our first step is to draw blox in locations that already have memories. Once we complete that, we’ll start to do it where new ones are created. Whomever is the creator of the Moment or Memory will have 48 hours to purchase the blox before it is made available to the public.

Why This Matters

Blox Anywhere allows anyone to preserve a Memories on and own the locations where they occured.

What’s next?

We feel like the features are pretty close to what’s required for the stage we are at, now it’s time to go back and make improvements to the design and user experience. If you have any suggestions or recommendations please let us know on Twitter, Discord, or at

Roadmap Progress

Here’s what we’ve been working on:

🔧 User profiles getting an update

🔧 Memory Perspectives

✅ Moment Streaks

✅ Blox Anywhere

✅ Blox Names get more characters

✅ Memories on Mobile

✅ Editing / Deleting Memories

✅ Blox Leveling

✅ Memories Anywhere

✅ Transfer Blox to MetaMask

✅ Transfer Blox to Coinbase

✅ Memory Collections

✅ Memory Moments

✅ Mapping Los Angeles

✅ Memory Feed



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Community Capitalist & Economic Activist :: trains jiu jitsu.