AMA Recap: MetaBomb x Beng Beng Gaming (ENG)

Louis Nguyen
Published in
10 min readJul 1, 2022

Recap AMA Beng Beng Gaming x Metabomb

🤵🏻Guest Speakers:

Mr. Cuong Vu — CEO Metabomb

Mr. Louis Nguyen — Head of BD Metabomb

🤵🏻 Hosts:

Brian — Core Team Beng Beng Gaming

Emily — Kols Beng Beng Gaming

📸 Form: Youtube Livestream

⏱ Time: 20:00 ngày 30/06/2022


Part 1: Project Introduction

Cuong Vu | Metabomb: Hello everyone. My name is Cuong, and I’m currently in charge of the position of CEO and founder of Metabomb.

Louis | Metabomb: Hi everyone, my name is Louis and I’m currently working as a BD for Metabomb. I have been active in the crypto market for more than 4 years now. Very honored to be a guest in the AMA with the BengBeng Gaming community today.

Brian: Total prize pool for today’s AMA is: 500$

- $100 for 5 people who predict the AMA guest.

- $150 for the top 5 questions on Twitter.

- $200 will be given to the best participants of the AMA.

- $50 for 1 person with the best AMA Recap.

Brian: First, can you two briefly introduce the Metabomb project?

Cuong Vu | Metabomb: The Metabomb project has been planned and implemented since the fourth quarter of 2021. February 2022 was when we started recruiting team members and this process is running in the present. We are confident that compared to the common ground, Metabomb is one of the fastest deployed projects on the market.

You can see that other projects have a fairly long basic roadmap, which is also a limitation for investors as well as the market. The Metabomb team always tries our best to develop and implement the project , and we have received some positive signs from the community.

Currently, the Metabomb team consists of about 20 people, some key personnel have full information on the Metabomb official website. Metabomb launched IDO in May and the official MetaBomb game launched on June 8. On behalf of the project, I would like to summarize some of the team’s successes.

  • We are following the original desire to have both game and fi elements. At the beginning, the team focused on fi first because the majority of players will come from the crypto market.
  • Metabomb has launched several game modes to serve the “fi” element, and in the near future will launch a completely game-focused mode to focus on the “game” element that we mentioned above.

Emily: Thank you Mr. Cuong for sharing in details. I have noticed you said that MetaBomb was designed to balance Game and Fi. Can the Metabomb team explain the concept of Gamefi 2.0, and what advantages and disadvantages it will have when applied to the Metabomb game?

Cuong Vu | Metabomb: Thanks for the question Emily. The Gamefi 2.0 concept is relatively new. The Metabomb team wants to go in a more innovative direction than the previous Gamefi model. The Gamefi 2.0 model, from what I personally understand, is that it will focus on solving previous Gamefi problems, including inflation. In addition, Gamefi 2.0 needs a harmonious combination between the two elements of game and fi, between playing games for entertainment and making money. That’s what Gamefi 2.0 must try to achieve if it wants to go further in this market.

Emily: Thanks for your very detailed answer. So can you share the milestones that Metabomb has achieved?

Cuong Vu | Metabomb: Metabomb launched during the market downturn, in addition, the disadvantages that the previous Gamefi model has presented, including the big guys like Axie Infinity, made the market less interesting.

The existing members of the Metabomb community have been in the Gamefi market for a long time and they have evaluated that Metabomb has the potential to solve the previous problems of Gamefi, which makes me very motivated to focus on the project and how to meet the needs of the community.

From the official product release on June 8 to now, I’ve seen quite a lot of comments in the community saying that users have “returned to shore”. The community has given Metabomb the nickname “downtrend storm shelter”.

Brian: What is the difference between Metabomb and other games on the market in terms of economy, marketing, etc.

Cuong Vu | Metabomb: In this period, I think the best marketing strategy is building and maintaining reputation. The team always holds the standpoint: “less talk, more action”. The game focuses on building many game modes, diverse gameplay and will focus on entertainment in the future, which is what Gamefi currently lacks. The team also focuses on solving the problem of inflation. Many who have played Metabomb all claim that the economy of Metabomb is quite good compared to other projects.

Part 2: Questions from the community

Brian: There are 5 lucky people whose questions have been selected. Each selected person will receive a reward of $20.

The first question from @NguynHo85628613: Why does MetaBomb use the 1-token mechanism instead of the 2-token mechanism like many games today? For those who are investors and traders, if they don’t play games, how can they make money from MetaBomb? What are the benefits of holding $MTB in the long term?

Cuong Vu | Metabomb: Using only 1 token will be easier to manage than 2 tokens. It is similar to how difficult it is for a country to have 1 currency to manage, not to mention 2 tokens. The nature of the 2 tokens will be more beneficial to the game developers, not the players. This is not fair to the players especially in the currency market where everything must be fair.

As for investors who do not play games but want to make money, at the moment Metabomb has not released other features of the $MTB token. However, in the near future Metabomb will launch new usecases to burn more tokens. When introducing more features of the $MTB token, I think the price factor of $MTB will be resolved, which will benefit $MTB token holders and investors.

Brian: Thank you Mr. Cuong for your enthusiastic answer.

Emily: Second question from @FinanceGems: What is the upcoming Marketing strategy of the project? As far as I know PVP mode will be released soon, can the project reveal some information about this mode? I see that private is paid 100%, does it affect the token price?

Cuong Vu | Metabomb: I will answer the third point first. When talking about releasing the private round 100%, I mean that all investors’ tokens are released 100% TGE. I can confirm that Metabomb is the only project that releases TGEs and still maintains its stability. Releasing 100% tokens TGE will make it difficult to stimulate the price, but it will be beneficial for the game in the long run. Token sales will come from 70–80% people who are playing Metabomb.

In terms of marketing strategy, the team will focus on building and maintaining the reputation of the project. In addition, after the AMA, the team will be promoting the marketing campaign in the upcoming period.

PVP mode is highly anticipated by the community. We developed Metabomb based on an existing traditional game product, so all the features from the traditional game are available. It will have 2 PVP modes to serve 2 different audiences:

  • Mode for NFT holders: players will be paired with NFT holders to earn directly from other players.
  • Free-to-earn player mode: this mode is completely free, anyone can play. Every day users will have a certain amount of turns. In each season, players’ points will be calculated and ranked accordingly. A season is about 2 weeks long and the top ranked players will receive rewards in NFTs. Traditional players can sell their NFT rewards or switch to NFT mode to earn more.

Those are the 2 modes that will be released in the next month and I think they will solve many problems that other projects are facing

Brian: That’s the spirit! Let’s wait for this mode in the near future. Thank you, Mr. Cuong!

Third question from @LinxNhy: Most of the questions people ask in the AMA section are about the strengths of the project. On the contrary, I am interested in difficulties and challenges. What difficulties did the team face while developing the project and how did you overcome them? Please share, Mr. Louis.

Louis | Metabomb: Please allow me to answer this question. I think trust was the most important issue. When the game first launched, our users were quite sympathetic to the project and let us have the time to fix the errors. I think in this market, trust is both the strengths and challenges for Metabomb.

Cuong Vu | Metabomb: In order to gain trust from users, I try to build the best project for the community to evaluate and recognize.

Emily: Thank you guys. We have come to the 4th question from @CongchuaMelo: Why is Metabomb partnering with Beng Beng Gaming? I see these 2 projects are very enthusiastic even in this downtrend period of the market? Can you share the goals, vision and mission that make both sides so enthusiastic?

Cuong Vu|Metabomb: Personally, in the process of developing Metabomb, I was and still am a fan of Beng Beng Gaming. I have watched almost all of Beng Beng review videos. What I noticed from BengBeng’s videos was that they review the projects very passionately, with a deep understanding and detailed evaluation. I remember that Beng Beng did a review on Metabomb in April, and I would like to thank Beng Beng’s enthusiasm for the project. I also had the opportunity to meet the members of BengBeng in real life to share information about the project, the process of building the project as well as the process of building BengBeng with enthusiasm. That’s why I chose BengBeng to host an AMA together after the game was released.

Brian: Thank you very much, Mr. Cuong. The members of Beng Beng always support great gamefi projects like Metabomb

The last question of this section comes from @NguyenThanhNi1: The gamefi market is no longer a hot topic for investors, moreover, unicorn gamefi projects like Axie Infinity are also declining. What characteristics of the project will make a difference compared to previous projects to attract players?

Cuong Vu | Metabomb: In this period, projects that are hoaxes will be wiped out, projects that are strong enough will stand still and go far in the Gamefi market. Positive view is that downtrend means an opportunity to uptrend, so the team will try to work hard to develop the project and plow through this period. From the shark perspective, big guys will find potential projects to invest in and pull the market up. I think if the project is good enough and the community is strong enough, Metabomb will be the pioneer project for the next phase.

Part 3: Live questions from the community:

Brian: Live questions will be picked from the community.

Emily: Question from @hopgiau: What are the special advantages Metabomb has that are able to beat other competitors?

Louis | Metabomb: Thank you, Emily. Currently, Metabomb’s economic model still shows durability in times when the market is very bad. While other projects are still faltering on this issue, Metabomb is fully verifiable in terms of token flows in the game and the team also wants to be transparent in this regard. Therefore, I am confident that Metabomb is still on the right track.

Secondly, in the future the team plans to have minigame systems. You can go to and you will see a very large chest in the middle of the screen, representing the market jackpot — reward pool for future minigames. I think that’s the difference between Metabomb and other projects.

Third, you can earn tokens idly with our Chest Farm mode , which helps those who have a daily job but still want to have a passive income. I think this is quite important in gamefi. I believe that Metabomb will make a difference in the gamefi market.

Brian: Thank you very much, Mr. Louis. The second question comes from @LoiNguyen6: How do you plan to maintain the game for a long time, and what strategy do you have to ensure there are new players in the future?

Cuong Vu | Metabomb: While designing Metabomb’s game model, I always try to prolong the reward pool as much as possible. The reward pool can come from the reinvested money from players and also from in-game brand advertising. We will soon collaborate with a project to expand advertising in the game. From the very beginning, the design team always prioritized the game element over the “fi” factor.

Emily: Thank you very much, Mr. Cuong. Your next question from @Minhtuan898: Newbies might not understand the play to earn concept as well as the crypto market. How does the METABOMB team help newbies like me?

Cuong Vu | Metabomb: We have organized many events to attract more users, such as making videos of players’ experience of the Metabomb game. New players can refer to video tutorials on how to play the game, and how to buy NFT on the marketplace.

Emily: The next question: ​As far as I know, the game has been built on PC and Android, does the game have any plan to develop on iOS in the future? What plans does the team have to develop the community, especially in Vietnam? @thanhle2

Cuong Vu|Metabomb: Yesterday the team published an android version to bring the best experience to people when interacting with the game. The release on iOS will be available in the near future. Personally, I think bomb players prefer to play on PC. The team always listens to every player’s needs to give everyone the best experience.

Brian: Thank you for sharing. Personally, I find it much easier to play on PC. We have come to the final part of the AMA.

Part 4: Q&A of the project.

Brian: The answer syntax is telegram username + reply. The 200$ reward will divided between the 4 luckiest people.

1. What do you think Metabomb is doing well right now? And what is Metabomb not doing well? Your suggestions to improve the things we do not do well?

@Thinh2222: The good thing is that Metabomb is a strategy game with good and attractive gameplay, the bad thing is that the game is still not well known in the world market, and the earning is not too stable.

2. What are you most looking forward to in the near future from Metabomb?

@vthanhtm29: new PVP mechanism, rewards for holding MTB. New marketing activities.

3. What made you join Metabomb? And your first impression when mentioning Metabomb?

@ndhieuuu: Roi is stable, the team organizes many events for members, gameplay associated with childhood.

4. What Gamefi are you currently playing and how do you rate Metabomb compared to those games?

@hoangiah: I used to participate in a game similar to Metabomb which is Bomcrypto. But I find Metabomb has a more stable economy and is a reputable game when the market is on fire.

End of AMA

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