Dragon Quest — The Finish Line! 🏆

Callum Gladstone
MetaCartel DAO
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2020

Here we are at the finish line! It’s been a hectic month with everything going on in the world but that hasn’t deterred our hackers from producing some truly incredible Dapps, products & more!

Congratulations to all of our hackers who’ve put in the hard work to get to the end of the month and submit some amazing projects! There were 27 final submissions in total and every single one was incredibly impressive.

We’ve put together a Twitter thread showcasing all of the final submissions! This is the best place to check out the projects that have come out of the hackathon and connect with builders.

Over 70 submissions were made to individual bounties — another amazing result! Our sponsors have been blown away by the engagement and enthusiasm from hackers and will be happily dishing out bounties over the coming weeks.

Socially Distanced Support 💻🖥💻

We saw 15+ workshops, webinars and community calls throughout the hackathon. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to all of our sponsors who’ve taken it upon themselves to provide insight and support to everyone hacking on their technology.

Kick back & Push Up! 💪

Yalor & Makoto hosted an inspiring 30 day 20 push up challenge via Kickback where 25 hackers, sponsors & community members all staked 0.1 ETH and pledged to upload a video of themselves completing 20 push ups every day for the entire month! This has just wrapped up and you can check on the results over on pepo.com & kickback.events.

Proof of Virtual Attendance 👩‍💻

Big thanks to Patricio and the POAP team for hooking our hackers up with this awesome NFT badge proving that they were indeed here, slaying the dragon with style and finesse. If you hacked the Dragon Quest this month be sure to head over to the #poap-claim channel on Discord to claim your unique ERC721 token!

Shout out to Darren for the epic design!

The Winners! 🥇🥈🥉

Now it’s time to announce who’s come out victorious on this epic journey! Our judges deliberated for hours on these decisions because every submission deserved one of these prizes but ultimately we must now announce the pick of the crop!

Top Prize (2947.37 DAI): “The Dragon” + MetaCartel DAO Membership 🌶

  • Favela Sem Corona : An app that helps people in poor areas of Rio de Janeiro, to receive crypto donations (such as DAI/cDAI or ERC20s) and use it like seamlessly like fiat.

Prize Two (1842.11 DAI): “Armour of Berlin” +2 enjoyment of music🥁

  • Alfred : A way for people to transfer their digital assets to one or multiple addresses in the event they fail to check-in using a customizable dead man’s switch.

Prize Three (1105.26 DAI): “Staff of Octopus”, +2 multi-tasking 🐙

  • Hodl Factory : The Hodl Factory is a new, fun and easy to use way of saving money. It is your ‘DeFi piggy bank’. It also features the world’s first no-loss ponzi!

Prize Four (736.84 DAI): “Boots of Nimbleness”, +3 dexterity 🐭

  • Research Collective : “Knowledge Foundation” Developing curated lists for sensitive / under-regulated markets such as: research chemical suppliers, pre-print articles screening, COVID test kits.

Prize Five (368.42 DAI): “Amulet of Windfall”, + 9 immune to market recessions 💰

Honorable Mentions 🏆

  • MetaGammaDelta : “WTF is DeFi” A guide to DeFi for women 📊
  • Peer Stream : Linking TIME with MONEY, giving freelancers and clients more freedom and flexibility to engage with each other than ever before 🎏
  • Meta District : Virtual reality production studio where anyone in the world can meet up over the network and work in real-time 🎮
  • Minimal Finance App : The first ever DeFi app by Mano lingam that can be used for earning interest and borrowing DAI from ETH. Focused on UX and keeping things minimal ⛏

Again, congratulations to everyone who participated in the Dragon Quest! We had a huge amount of fun and we hope you all did too!

For those of you reading this who are one of the winners, please check your Discord squad for further instructions on receiving your payouts.

Lastly don’t forget to give us a quick round of feedback on the event in our hackathon feedback form 📜

Cheers and see you for the next spicy event from MetaCartel🌶

Article written by Callum Gladstone W/ edits provided by Yalor Arnold 😎

