MetaCartel invades ETHDenver!

Callum Gladstone
MetaCartel DAO
Published in
5 min readFeb 23, 2020

ETHDenver 2020 was one of the biggest MetaCartel invasions to date — people flew in from all over the world for Ethereum’s favourite get-together in the sub-zero temperatures of Denver, Colorado.

Airbnbs were colonised and room 203 of Enterprise Rino was taken over by Monday afternoon. After a couple of days frantically ordering stickers, building presentations and slipping on the snow that was falling on the city, we were ready to kick off the memes with ‘MetaCartel Invades Denver: MultiSig & Friends’ — a meetup turned grantee showcase which went down as the largest and most exciting event at Enterprise.

James Waugh kicked off the presentations with an intro to MetaCartel — providing a serious meme to slide ratio and giving the less informed an entertaining rundown of what we’re all about. We then heard from a list of Grantees:

  • Nodar Janashia, the wizard of DefiZap taught us how to save gas and avoid the painful experience of sending 5+ metamask transactions in a short time window.
  • James Duncan from Abridged gave us a rundown on DAOops and the potential for ‘DAO service provider’ to become what people call a ‘real career’.
  • Alex Masmej introduced Rocket in a typically high-energy fashion, explaining how NFT-backed loans may just end up being a legitimate source of liquidity for the internet cat collectors among us.
  • Dekan Brown from Odyssy showed us how the slick UX of DAOHaus & PokeMol can usher in a new wave of DAOists through onboarding strategies & user interfaces which provide digestible DAOta & interactions.
  • Hammad Jutt exposed the MetaGame — painting the picture of a future where real life is a video game and 9–5 jobs are replaced via a vast interconnected web of DAOs and gamification.
  • Hammad was then joined by a fresh off the plane Drew Harding to introduce MetaFactory — the hottest up and coming fashion house which leverages complex game theory & bonding curves to incentivise the purchase of high tier apparel. (plus a sneak peak of the Genesis Bomber Jacket — coming soon to a hackathon near you)

After a 10 minute break whilst we frantically tried to make the live VentureDAO presentation work, Pet3rPan hung up on us and instead recorded a primer video with Gabriel Shapiro which we eventually got working on screen — don’t ask crypto nerds to use AV equipment.

Alex Masmej takes a break from Twitter shilling to present RocketDAO.

Thursday marked the official start of the craziness with both DAOFest and SustainWeb3 running in parallel at the Sports Castle. With presentations from Megan Knab, James Waugh, Julien Bouteloup, Griff Green and Ven Gist, as well as a Chat Bot DAOs panel with Zefram Lou, James Duncan, Eva Beylin and Eric Arsenault — The Metacartel was well represented even before the final panel where 10+ MC members blasted panellists from the stage with Nerf Guns and provided huge insights from a mass of perspectives.

James W & Dekan plot a takeover on the DAOFest final Panel

The fun continued immediately with the DAOFest x OrochiDAO afterparty at an incredible art-filled venue, drinks flowed all night and the ultimate unsolved mystery of the evening was how our modest bar tab lasted until 11pm serving 100+ people — investigations are ongoing.

Felipe Duarte gives a rousing OrochiDAO shoutout at the end of the night

Friday morning was a slow start for many, but marked the official kick off of ETHDenver and the excitement was visible, rDAI hosted a brunch to discuss some stealthy new ideas for v2, and from there we ran straight back to the Sports Castle to begin the weekend.

rDAI Brunch!

Friday also marked the arrival of the now flamingly infamous MetaCartel hacker boxes. Luckily, folding and filling 200+ boxes turned out to be a hangover-friendly activity and via a masterclass of coordination we got all of the boxes hacker-ready by mid-afternoon.

Who would have thought coordinating 250 boxes & the 20+ items going in them would be so hard?

Saturday came around quickly, and provided plenty of action with a No-Code smart contract workshop from the Abridged team, another MetaCartel meme-fest from James Waugh, and the delivery of Metacartel boxes to 150+ hacker teams. The 1 ETH surprise bounty, or ‘one rage-quitted Metacartel DAO share’ was claimed and many MetaCartel Pins were discovered!

James Waugh presents on ‘How to build communities with DAOs’

There we were at the end of another ETHDenver! Once 8am rolled by and hackathon projects were submitted, it was time to hang out and reflect on the adventure. The afternoon brought the project presentations, an incredibly impressive and inspiring few hours as we saw project after project come on stage and show us the fruits of their labour.

The awards ceremony was equally inspiring, as we showed appreciation to the massive crew of people who made ETHDenver the experience it was. Shout out to the Stewards, Mentors, Food Truck operators, Artists and everyone who made the weekend one for the history books!

Final Judging & Presentations! (Photo Cred unknown — please reach out!)

