MetaCartel’s “Dragon Quest” Part 2

How to Submit, Judging, and Active Bounties.

Yalor Ethernal
MetaCartel DAO
5 min readMar 29, 2020


Wanna be food? No? Then get hacking! Image Cred Kyle Stargarden.

In case you missed the first post MetaCartel Announces Dragon Quest go back and read it, we’ll wait here for you…..⏱

Woohoo now that you’re back let’s explain what this is all about. With a little help from the F12 team we’ve deployed a super server on Discord that’s powered up by a Fantastic12 bot 🤖, so take a look around 👀

Places to collaborate:

💬 Interspace chat room:

  • The Stress Test Arena on interspace will be open and available 24/7 during the hackathon — this is the place to come to chat with other hackers, share ideas and get advice!

📲 Weekly Quest Calls:

  • We’ve scheduled weekly calls for Dragon Questers to chat, collaborate and hang out! Depending on demand, we can set up a few different calls which cater to different time zones. You’ll find all the calls on the Dragon Quest GitHub.

🐲 Dragon Quest Discord:

  • This is your central chat-based hangout zone for the Dragon Quest — There are channels for just about everything from general chit-chat, sponsors, teams and help!

🍿 Dragon Quest Pepo Community:

  • The DQ Pepo community is all about pitching your ideas for the UX awards bounty and sharing your project with the world. Introductions, conversations — all bitesize video, all authentic. Think of this community as a great way to share your progress throughout the 30 days (and might come in handy if you choose to submit a proposal for Gitcoin Grants later on 😉)

How to Start:

There are four easy steps to get involved in the Dragon Quest! Decisions you make at each will impact your adventure later so choose wisely ;)

  1. Jump into the 🐲 Dragon Quest 🐲 Discord server.

Start poking around.

2. If you have already have an idea for a project:

  • Post your idea in the #post-your-idea channel.
  • Look for teammates in the #looking-for-team channel.
  • Form a squad of up to 12 people and start your own channel in #squads.
  • Configure the F12 bot by reading #fantastic12-get-started channel.

3. If you’re looking for an idea or project:

  • Look for ideas in the #post-your-idea channel.
  • Check out who’s looking for teammates in the #looking-for-team channel.
  • Jump onto someone else’s idea, and form a squad channel.
  • Get to building!

Top tips for a productive hack:

  • Set up effective communication channels with your own squad.
  • Assign roles early, ensure that everyone knows what their responsibilities are!

4. During Hackathon: April 1st — April 30th

  • Start collaborating on #active-bounties via
  • Work on your own idea, hack or project.

5. Post Hackathon: April 30th

  • Submit your completed hackathon entry to Final Submissions Bounty and all applicable sponsor bounties using Fantastic12 bot by Thursday 4/30/2020.
  • Await judgment from the #Grandmasters…..🧙🏼‍♂️ announcement will happen in the #General-Chat channel.
  • Check sponsor channels for winning bounty submissions.
  • Share the rewards 💰

Once you’ve found a team, you can begin working on either your own hackathon idea, a bounty, or pretty much anything you want!

Getting help:

  • If you’re working on something independent of specific bounties or sponsors, you can find help in the Discord, or by reaching out directly to one of the event organizers (green 💚here to help💚 label in Discord). These people can either help you themselves or put you in touch with someone who has the right skill set!
  • If you’re working on a sponsor bounty, jump into that sponsor’s dedicated channel on Discord and ask away. This is the place to find all information and ask all questions related to one of our awesome sponsors!
  • Ask your peers! In the spirit of in-person ethereum hackathons, some of the best advice and support can come from your fellow hackers! We’re really pushing an inclusive and collaborative vibe so don’t be afraid to reach out to another hacker who you think might be able to answer your questions!


Bounties are listed both in the #active-bounties channel on Discord, and on Bounties.Network. The workflow for bounties largely depends on the individual characteristics of the bounty in question but a loose flow is outlined below:

  1. Find bounties on Discord in the #Active-Bounties channel and sign up on Bounties.Network.
  2. Follow the steps listed in the bounty description to carry out the bounty.
  3. Make sure you’ve ticked off all of the submission requirements, carefully go through each criteria to ensure you have all pieces of the puzzle (demo, github repo, etc).
  4. Make sure to get your submission in on time (April,30th, 2020)

Active Bounties:


Projects will be assessed from May 1st through the 4th, 2020, and winners will be announced by MetaCartel in the event Discord. We have an awesome panel of judges assessing each project for the grand prize. Additionally, the MC community will be voting on which projects will be invited to join MetaCartel!

Our amazing judges include:

Judges will be asked to assess the projects across 4 criteria. It’s not just about jamming on code; MetaCartel is about impactful Ethereum projects that change people’s day-to-day lives. How do we determine whether or not these projects could matter to people? We tried to best capture the spark of successful projects with the criteria below.

User Experience (1–5)
Is it easy to use? How many steps is it to onboard? How quickly to people understand the value prop and can start using it?

Uniqueness (1–5)
What’s the problem you’re solving for people and how out-of-the-box is your solution?

Impact/usefulness (1–5)
What superpower does your users have now that they didn’t have before your project launched?

Early Signals (1–5)
Are people already lining up to use it? How do you know this is useful to people? What’s the big green light that your team is chasing during this hack and beyond?


Main prize for 1st place: 2947.37 DAI

  • 2nd place: 1842.11 DAI
  • 3rd place: 1105.26 DAI
  • 4th place: 736.84 DAI
  • 5th place: 368.42 DAI

That’s it, that’s all, so get into it and make something awesome this month !

TL:DR Submit your completed hackathon entry to Final Submissions Bounty by Thursday 4/30/2020 👀

Find more bounties today, form a squad tmrw, or share your ideas anytime by dropping into the Discord 👾

This article was a collaboration Zach Herring & Callum Gladstone 🌶

