How To Add The BNB Chain & MCT Contract Address Within MetaMask

Blockchain Meta
Published in
5 min readApr 24, 2023

Adding A Custom Network To MetaMask

  • Assuming you have a MetaMask wallet installed you now need to connect to the BNB Chain.
  • In the top right hand corner next to the Ethereum network tab you will see a round coloured icon, if you click on this icon you will see the following information:
  • If you now click on the ‘Settings’ tab you will see the following information:
  • Now click on the ‘Networks’ tab in the left hand menu where you will see the following information:
  • You will see that the Ethereum network has a green tick next to it as it was installed via default.
  • You now need to click on the blue ‘Add A Network’ tab where you will see the following information:
  • You now have the opportunity to add a network that may be in the list presented which BNB Chain is, however I will add the network manually so you know the correct settings to use and the process involved if you need to do this in the future for a network not in the available list.
  • Proceed to click on the ‘Add A Network Manually’ tab where you will be required to enter certain information, see below photo:
  • The network settings for BNB Chain are as follows:
  1. Network Name: Smart Chain

2. New RPC URL:

3. ChainID: 56

4. Symbol: BNB

5. Block Explorer URL:

  • Once you have entered the network details click on the blue ‘Save’ tab where you will see two pop up windows, see below photos:
  • Now click on the blue ‘Got It’ tab where you will be redirected back to your wallet which is now on the BNB Chain, see below photo:
  • You are now connected to the BNB Chain and can send BNB to and from this wallet.

Adding A Custom Token To MetaMask

  • Now that you have your MetaMask wallet set up and are on the BNB Chain you need to add the network details for MetaCert (MCT).
  • Whilst on your default wallet page you need to click on the blue ‘Import Tokens’ tab at the bottom of the page, see below photo:
  • After clicking on the ‘Import Tokens’ tab you will see the following page:
  • You are now required to enter the Token contract address, Token symbol and Token decimal.
  • Usually by default if you copy and paste the Token contract address into the required field the Token symbol and Token decimal fields will auto-fill in for you.
  • The contract details for the BNB Chain are as follows:

Token Contract Address: 0x2aDC5723085f8FB30BF464e035CBf699aA551765

Token Symbol: MCT

Token Decimal: 18

  • Clicking on the below link will allow you to see the contract details for MCT on the BNB Chain.

  • Once you have entered the Token contract address, Token symbol and Token decimal click on the blue ‘Add Custom Token’ tab where you will see the following information:
  • Now click on the blue ‘Import Tokens’ tab where you will see the following which shows you have now imported the MCT token:
  • Click on the < arrow where you will be taken to your main transaction page for tokens on the BNB Chain, see below photo:
  • You can see in the above photo you have BNB visible by default when you created the custom network and MCT which you have just imported.
  • You are now able to receive and send MCT tokens within MetaMask.
  • Note you will need a little BNB in your wallet when sending MCT outside MetaMask to pay for gas.

Ledger Integration

  • If you have a hardware wallet such as a Nano ledger you can also use this within MetaMask for added security to send and receive MCT.
  • Please ensure you have the latest version of Ledger Live on your computer and the current firmware version on your ledger.
  • Also ensure you have the BNB App installed on your ledger.

What Is The Difference Between Binance Smart Chain and BNB Chain?

  • So there is no confusion I will post an image below from Binance as to what the blockchains are now called.
  • Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain have merged to become BNB Chain.

