Quest 1: Axie Breeding Tournament

Published in
6 min readApr 27, 2020

Hear ye hear ye!

It’s with great excitement that we present the details for the first MetaClan Quest— an Axie Infinity Breeding Tournament with over $350 worth of prizes!

MetaClan Mission

Breed 100 Axies in the inaugural MetaClan breeding tournament!

Member Privileges

Those who have pledged to the DAO and joined our Discord are able to:

  • Receive up to 1500 Small Love Potions.
  • Access the MetaClan Virgin Axie Auction
  • Receive tailored breeding feedback from Axie Commanders
  • Receive a POAP badge for participating in the tournament

Here’s the catch, participation is FREE but only those who PLEDGE get access to the aforementioned benefits.

For only 25 Dai, what’s to lose? Ragequit at any time!

Brave souls, join the MetaClan DAO today to help shape the crypto gaming future of tomorrow!

Ok ok enough shilling, let’s get down to business.

TLDR: How Should I Breed?

  • Breed Axies with the lowest breed count possible.
  • Target Axies which shares the most Class-specific parts for higher purity
  • Breed Axies with the Parts in the current Meta (described below)
  • Breed Axies who’s cards can be comboed
  • Breed Axies which have Energy earning cards

Got more questions about breeding? Join our Discord!

For those members unfamiliar with breeding, we’ve created an extensive Axie Breeding Guide which can be found here.

Ready to rock? Let’s dive in!

MetaClan Breeding Tournament

Our inaugural tournament is geared at trying to make players as comfortable with the breeding process as possible.

The judging will utilize a custom display portal (thanks AxieGG!) allowing Guardians to easily view, rank, and vote on their top choices.

Seeing as we’re likely to have a full spectrum of participants from beginning to expert, we wanted to introduce unique tracks geared towards different breeders.

The tournament will span 2 weeks, giving breeders a chance to breed once, hatch their Axies, and breed again some for some serious genetic wizardry.

The first weekend will showcase an interim prize pool featuring a:

Looks Contest

Based solely on aesthetics (and lack thereof). The most beautiful Axies pitted against the grimiest monsters in all of Lunacia!

  • One winner for the best looking Axie (oh la la)
  • One winner for the ugliest Axie (yikes!)

Key Details:

One submission per player. All submissions must be named.


  • 1 MetaClan DAO share (~$25) + 125 LUNA per winner

Following the Looks Contest, the second weekend will feature more advanced breeding prizes for a Meta Contest.

Meta Contest

Reckon yourself to be an Axie specialist? Time to show us what you got!

The Meta Track is based on which Axies will dominate in Seasons 4 & 5. These lean, mean fighting machines are sure to be praised by all who face its wrath on the battlefield!

Here’s a quick glance into our judge's favorite moves ;)

3xHuman: Yam (Plant)+ Hermit (Aqua)+ Eggshell (Bird)

Chief: Nimo (Aquatic) + Ronin (Beast)

Jiho: Thorny Caterpillar (Bug)

Gabby: Double Nutcracker (Beast)

Key Details:

One submission per player. All submissions must be named. Candidates will submit a short description of why their Champion is optimal when it comes time to judge.


  • 1st place — 3 MetaClan DAO shares (~$75) + 750 LUNA
  • 2cnd place — 2 MetaClan DAO shares (~$50) + 375 LUNA
  • 3rd place — 1 MetaClan DAO share ($25) + 125 LUNA

Following the Meta Contest, we’ll host a cheeky event for those who got dealt a bad hand by the Lunacian Breeding Gods

Epic Fail Contest

Yup, you guessed it. A prize will be rewarded to the Axie which absolutely missed the mark and was dealt with terrible offspring by the forces that be

Key Details:

One submission per player. Submissions must be named with parents being identified.


  • 1 STRONG Virgin Axie (to counter the failure of an attempt) + F’s in the chat from our participants.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the Meta Contest.

Meta Breeding Targets

For the current Meta, we recommend that Guardians target the following Parts. For your convenience, we’ve bolded* the part(s), stats and roles players should target for each type of Axie. Please note that the best Axie’s combine multiple of these parts for total havoc.

* Indicated priority move for each Axie type

TLDR: Moves that can be combined + those that earn Energy are likely to be most effective.

Got questions about the Meta? Join our Discord! (Get the picture yet?)

Our Judges

No tournament would be complete without the proper judges! We’re teaming up with some of Axie’s top community members to make sure our winners are carefully selected.

*Anthony will only be participating in the looks contest judging the first weekend :)

How Judging Works

Voting weights for each tournament will be split evenly between the judges and the wider community. This means judges will hold 50% of the voting power while the community holds the remaining 50%.

For the Looks Contest, judges will select three candidates and give the community a chance to pick their favorite. (three for beauty, three for ugly)

For the Meta Contest, judges will select nine candidates and give the community the opportunity to select the top three winners.

For the Epic Fail Contest, judges will select three candidates and have people vote on which was the worst :P

All judging will happen live on Twitch by a secret MetaClan streamer ;)

Tournament Logistics

So, you think you got what it takes to breed with the best of the best?

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Virgin Axie Auction will open on Friday, May 1st
  • The breeding tournament will officially start on Saturday, May 2cnd
  • All Axies for the Looks Contest must be submitted by Saturday, May 9th
  • Judging for the Looks Contest takes place on Sunday, May 10th
  • All Axies for the Meta Contest must be submitted by Saturday, May 16th
  • Judging for the Meta and Epic Fail Contest will take place on Sunday, May 17th

Final times and schedules for judging will be shared in Discord in the #axie-breeding-tournament channel.

All those who successfully breed an Axie and submit it for judging in any of the four contests will receive a POAP badge marking their participation and moving them up the Guardian Skill Ladder.

For any questions regarding the tournament, please reach out to us directly on Discord or Twitter!


As the first MetaClan quest, we wanted to focus on understanding how a strong community can better evolve the competitive landscape.

As newcomers to the vibrant Axie community, we would like to give a big shoutout to all those aiding in making this quest as impactful as possible.

We’re always open to new suggestions and look forward to serving up our next quest in the near future!

If you want to go fast — go alone. If you want to go far — go together.

Many thanks to contributors Axie Infinity, AxieGG, MetaCartel & more — all of which made this quest a reality!

Join MetaClan today!

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Discord | Telegram | Twitter | Email




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