Identity and Blockchain: Artistic World

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3 min readMay 2, 2019

Love it or hate it, we all use social media. Maybe you are a recent graduate looking for a job, a professional using different platforms to expand your business or you are simply using them to stay in touch with your friends.

Each social media platform has its own “personality”, for example, Instagram is all about the visual content and LinkedIn allows you to create and/or expand your professional network. By linking different platforms, most commonly via Facebook, users can “get a better experience”, but in fact they are giving control over their generated data that can then be sold to third parties without their consent or even without their knowledge.

We will explore another scenario of how the blockchain technology can keep your identity secure. This time we’ll look into a social media-like scenario focusing on the art industry.

Artistic Ecosystem

It’s common to hear that artists struggle to make a living, but imagine a platform that facilitates the creation of a social media-like ecosystem that integrates different industry players like artists, curators, art schools, companies, associations, and competition organizers. With the use of the blockchain technology this is possible and, with solutions like Meta ID, users would not only own their data and claim ownership over their creations but also enjoy the benefits of using only one identification among all the members of the ecosystem. Users could keep their identity secure and provide selected information easily, only to those institutions or third parties they choose to.

Let’s look into this a little closer:

Let’s say Ruth is an artist that just graduated and is looking to exhibit her creations in a gallery. Not only does she need good pieces to exhibit but also a good network in the industry. By becoming a member of the ecosystem she can connect and collaborate with other artists and choose to be exposed to a red of curators looking to acquire pieces from new artists. The curators will benefit from knowing the information they get about Ruth has been authenticated and she is the real owner of the art pieces.

Now let’s look at Liz. She has a good portfolio and has worked as a graphic designer for five years but is now looking into taking a course to expand her knowledge in new techniques. She has also signed up to participate in an international competition. If she had to apply in a conventional way she would not only have to provide all the documents that prove her identity but also demonstrate that the pieces submitted in her portfolio are really her own.

Fortunately, she is part of the above ecosystem and can easily apply to the art school and register to the competition, all with just one ID that also contains the ownership record of all the pieces Liz has created over the past years. This makes it faster and easier for all the players.

Have you heard about the Metadium Ambassador Program (MAP)? We are currently looking for UX/UI and graphic designers along creative minds that would like to get involved in the blockchain industry. Join MAP!

We will soon extend the program to developers, storytellers and pioneers.


Team Metadium

This article is the fourth in a use case series the Metadium team is putting together for you. If you want to learn more please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn! Keepin App is available on the App Store and Google Play.




Metadium powers identification, authentication and crypto transaction management, providing AML compliance and risk management solutions.